Sunday, August 06, 2006

so it was a bad ending har...haish

haish..wwhy does it have to be this way...u always kept secrets from me...but i always tell u wats on my mind. even those which may hurt, but i dnt like to keep secrets from... ehem...
but do u know that i tell u, bcoz i have a reason.
i tell u bcoz i want u to know everything, bcoz i tot that u will know and understand
y didn't u tell me first..last u know why i didn't ask.
bcoz i dnt wanna creates misunderstanding..i prefer knowing the truth first
u asked me do i really reayll do, i tell u i really do for so mani times..
i didn't ask u whether u really erally do, thats bcoz i know u wnt tell..
since that ur very gd frenz told me, so y kept it in urself.
u could have told me...but u didn't...
so do u really rewally do???
ireally really do...

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