Sunday, August 27, 2006

hm.. hehew.. as what i m always.. a day after...
ytd.. got parade..
sian so long..
but the most interesting de.. is still ..
wee~~ hehes.. cool cool... go there bai swee.. hahas.. but then.during the ceremony.. the band play wrongly!! mauhahas!! so MILITARY BAND JUz... ... hahas... jk.. the band nvr play double tab earlier... then the whole thing cock up.. npcc the first contigent to march pass.. hmm.. then march halfway liaos.. the music then come in..lmao.. so lame lorh... so malu also..hahas..
then blah balh..hehes..
then got ceremony.. badges de.. hmm.. got 2 badges lorh.. sana and total def.. hehes.. so longl e.. total def badge alreadi gotten last yr le.. but now then lame...
then after tat.. during parade...drills drills drills.. eww..
take squad.. =(.. nco say i nervous.. not juz this parade leh.. sobs.. but the thing is tat.. i dnt know where to stand nia.. =X.. hehes..
then after tat got song session.. alreadi half dead le..
me weak mah.. no choice ..xD. during song session got friendship dance.. the sec1s learnt ..hehes. then went to the mid of the parade square.. then we do that.. hahas.. sadly no chio bu in npcc.. =(.. hahas.. then gal boi gal boi..blah..
then after tat.. got meeeting..alalsl. .meet ... meet.. then go makan,.then 3+!!
WOOT.. then reach home arnd 3.30.. hehes. lucky mummy nvr go out... if not i couldn't stay bak so late..hehes..
then at nite.. duh..
BORED.. then while i was palying.. miss joy-ce smsed me.. right.. then blah.. tok lame stuffs.. more to the coun..... side..lols.. find new ones?? nah.. 2 ppl say to me le.. duh.. same phrase.. sai lah..

then todae nth realli happened lorh.. onli boredom.. =)..
then todae also last day.. LEFT 4 HOURS FROM NOW TO......
then yaya.. to b exact... 3hrs and 26 mins..hahas...
bleahs ..
haish.. =((((((((((((((((((

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