Friday, August 25, 2006

hehes.. 3 days nvr update..blah.. =X
hm.. on wed..
VP-vice principal went into my class de sci lesson..
c us play play around..hehehes.. teacher also show us 2 experiment.. one coca-cola plus mentoes,another water wif erm.. sum acid or some kinda explosive stuffs..
coca-cola.. fun fun..foutain.. cher put one roll..hehes.. not very high tho..hahas..
then i saw bfore anw.. then my frenz also knew.. so he keep pestering the teacher to eat the sweets in the coca-cola bottle.. hehes.. lalals.. wonder wat happen..find out urself.. =)
then the explosive stuffs.. at first cher put small small piece.. then poof.. smoke came out.. if im not wrong.. hydrogen??!!
then after tat.. my class kajiao.. call teacher put a bigger piece.. since vp there.. no choice.. muz cheng quan..hahas.. SHIOK..
then put inside water....
1sec....2secs...3secs... BOOM!!
like volcano spitting out lava.. sort of.. into the air... a small flame.. hehes... 20cm above the water surface?? COOL eh... then alot of smoke.. blow into our faces.. pui.. cannot breathe.. breathe all the pungent smell.h.ahs.. no oxygen.. so sad no gals fainted..opps.. =X
then do some experiments.. mixing..blah blah.. lame stuffs.. then made observations..
then bfore leson ends..
WEISIANG.. can u tell me what u observe from wadeva acid..if i didn't rmb wrongly.. its solid baking soda with ... sulphuric or wadeva... ehhehes..
yea.. as my observations skilsl are noob.. i stammered.. -.-.. so lame.. summore vpnoe my bro de.. my bro bro pro in sci.then i so noob.. SO MALU.. sobs.. hehes.. TEACHER SABO ME!! HUMPF.. hahas...
then ytd.. hmm.. cher cher ms chan say cher day celebration muz stay bak..sobbies..muz complete lesson...duh~..hahas.. aWW so sad eh..hehes...then during chi lesson.. rite.. 2nd and 3rd period of the day.. hmm.. i overheard sum1 saying to the person infront of me ... ' SO OBVIOUS' ...hahas.. as im so clever..i knew wat was happening.. it was her. ehem.. she wore a ehem.. then.. i told her.. 'ya obvious'.. then she malu.. lols.. lmao.. after lesson..walk together to hist lesson... then she say.. 'no choice wat..'
i say' dnt wear lah' ...
then squeeze my neck..aww.. nxt time muz find gf also cannot find those violent de.. if not my neck sure break sooner or ltr de.. then todae she say.. 'not obvious rite..' ..-.-.. so byl de.. omg..

then todae.. EHEM.. ELTON gr.. early in the morning... go to my class there.. tok to me..
tok lorh..wat he did every morning anw..hehes.. then.. borrowed a marker from mr ashwin nath chatterji who gave him so willingly.. grr.. he wrote 4 words on my different fingers of my left hand.. rite.. tat was a permanent marker... grr.. then i tried to rub it off..cannot.. then during morning assembly.. muz stand wif my fingers covered.. ltr ppl bhind c..hahas..
then monitors and monitress got briefing..on SYF.. grr.. NPCC no gifts leh!! actually got lah.. t-shirts.. but for all the other participants.. they got free gifts.. so not fair..hahas.. =PpP..lalals
then at 9am got jap thingy.. went to hall...wait for jap to come..hehes.. wait till 9.30... they came.. rite...
WAT THE h... hahas.. i tot jap alot of chio bu de
hehes... then c performance.. lalals.. bored.. but onli one thing interesting.. when the jap performed for us.. the gals skirt flew.. WEE~ ya rite.. they wore tight purple pants under their skirts..aww.. hahas..
then blah blah.. nth much happened.. hahas..
tml got japanese culture thingy an d parade.. haish..sian..
japanese culture.. march march.. then blah blah.. bored de..hahas..

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