Monday, August 14, 2006

compare with songs??? no..?? i know u all know more songs than me lah..coz i nvr hear rite..sobx..buweee me nia..sing to me.. but quite touched lah..onli that u all zhao xi-ang..hahas.. nvm lah..i also..heehes..
lols, since jiayi loves to sing so much... i guarantee his songs will make his gf (if he has one) very touched de... very soon will fall in love.. (when i fall in love.... 'tsktsk, wadeva song..hees..)
kiss goodbye lah, FIR lah (wo men de ai), yue liang dai biao wo de xin lah, ni zhen me she de wo nan guo lah, n blah blah..hahas..
so cute lorh.! want to suan me..ltr suan himself.. hehes..want to say dnt want to say...hehes..=X

haish..tat one is happy come sad part..duh.. as we know...our life is up n down.. there r bad things and good things.. so i think my life is like a quadratic graph.. *act cute*.. ehem.. 'teacher say y=ax(sq)+bx+c is a u-shape graph, and y=-ax(sq)+bx+c is a inverted u-shape hor..i think hor..i belows to the u-shape graph leh..u know hor... inverted u means positive mah..but hor got too mani negatives for me i think hor i belongs there lorh..hehes..'
then hor..u ask me y i so sad bcoz hor..someone ignore me leh.. then he say 'nope'... then i... woot???.. u look at me. then u look bad de..i want tok to u..u go tok to other ppl..sobx..lucky u not girl..if not i reali realli heartbreak liaos..tsktsk...
then hor.. i daydream in clas leh..dots..lucky nvr get caught..lalalalalas..~ daydream of who neh..i also dnt know..lols...then hor... my eyes dam pain.. i think too tired bah..sobbies.. mwuammie juz came bak from china ytd...hehes... bought me squirrel de toy toy.. now i got greenie and the toy toy liaos.. hehes.. then hor..erm...forget wat le..nvm...
tml doing 'rice' baby...RICK SARKS?? lols.. still rmb the dp..hehes.. this month..unlucky mnth..tsktsk..hehehes.. haish..hehe until i duh...cannot hehe liaos... hehe more my heart beat even faster... i think sooner of ltr my blood vessels will burst.. my brain will b full of blood.. sobs..then i will blackout, then worst come to worst comma, then worst come to worst paralyze, and if worst... then i die..WEE~ hehes... (argh...bth...too mani hehe le..)

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