Saturday, August 19, 2006 phone not spoiled..
its just thati forgot to off and on again nia..
too bad lorh..hahas..
ytd go watch wushu performance.. (ya rite..i m always 1 day back).
hmm.. didn't wanted to go actually.. but then hmm.. since i so i go lorh..
then erm.. very sorry tat day bah.. sorry to all.. may it be tat .. may it be this.. but i know why..
hmm...hhh got performance.. got 7th??..hehes.. not bad le lah.. even tho he could get 3rd de..hehes..
then erm... after performance cut cake outside the sports hall...
haish..i dnt know why.. but of coz i know why.. sudden;y got a 'mood swing' ...
wanted to cry...but.. luckily no tears come out.. my 'tissues' of my eyes wiped them off ..
but actually.. i alreadi wanted to cry bfore le... haish... y..i know why..but no one knows why.. onli elton knows why.. why? bcoz he my gd frenz... sigh..
anw..JASELINE, thx for helping..but dnt help to that extend whereby it seems tat everyone 'de jiu' me.. its not their fault lorh..its mine..even tho they r at fault.. but not reali lahs..
dar dar say im sensitive to... yep i m... sori eh dar.. -.-..
and lastly.. sorri SANDY.. for destroying ur 'early bdae mood'..
but anw..

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