Thursday, August 31, 2006

very sorry tho teachers.. i went empty handed.. =P..
anw.. todae was quite fun and not quite fun..
lets tok abt the fun one first..
after school concert.. which was pretty lame.. but the air-con sooths e place.. =)..
the wadeva ball thingy pass here pass lame one.. then my class cheated.. open our legs big big and roll the balls under.. the rule was: one person passes the ball over the head, the nxt person under the legs. then over the head.. carry on for 20mins.. great.. hahas..
after celebration.. went to look for cher cher.. hahaa.s.. cannot find..=.=.. then lucky lucky saw cher walk passed... hehes.. then left one cher put in her cupboard.. hahas...
then went bak home.. bathe.. then papa fetch me =)..
reached there.. zz.. raining.. stupid security guard.. diao me... grr
went to canteen.. SAW GHIM JOO!!.. omg!~.. SO SHUAI!! ncc de.. got 8 packs and muscles.. hahas.. so so so so so so shuai lorh.. hehes.. then we 2 tried to smuggle up to the 2nd lvl... we got caught at first.. then we tried the backstage crew staircase.. =)).. went up.. then we ran into the toilet.. hehes.. then bell rang.. duh.. then children teacher everywhere.. hard to run.. summroe near the hall.. no choice but to go bak down..haas..
then waited for cha cha, abi they all come.. wait so longgg.. THEN SAW PUTRI!!.. grr.. she so bad de!!.. ps me in school.. then meet them.. sobs!!..
then mwe and ghim ghim walked to them as they were wa;lking to the school.. hahas.. play with cha cha.. we dance the 'chja cha dance'.. hehes.. jk... push him onto the road.. xD.. lols.. badie me..
went to school canteen.. tok tok.. hahas.. then abi come.. pinch my cheek... grrr.. then i pull her hair... humpf.. and she got tricked by me alot of times.. pull her hair.. muahahas... then ppl gang bang me.. scout, ncc, robin, abi.. wah.. hehes.. lucky onli tio a few times nia.. ehehes.. lucky they nvr use full stre.. if not i realli die le.. hahas..
then c miss hon.. miss hon say i short!! suan me say i shorter than her!! .. hahas..
then miss goh came.. hehes.. tok to her.. she so cute.. so observant also.. hehes.. very gd teacher lah.. hahas..
then after tat waited for bendemeer de.. hahasd.. so long.. went under the hdb block.. haish.. stupid security.. nb.. scold me.. diao me.. i diao bak.. then i turn away.. humpf.. so suky.. hehes..
then waited for vincent who made me drench in the rain for no reasons.. grr..
yaya,, then went to the bus stop..
actually gg wif abi they all de ... then vincent drag.. drag until they go ... then meet at bus stop.. then they dnt want go to ps.. -.-.. no choice. they go le.. then we go marina sq bowl.. hahas..
took 133 there.. long one.. then sat wif zong ying.. tok.. hehes.. he force me to reveal.. grr.. he took a knife and put on my neck.. jk... then blah... haish..
yaya.. reach there..
zz.. then went to the bowling place.. full.. muz wait.. so we went to eat first... hees.. nth to do there.. anihow craps.. yea.. then juz nice we go bak then our turn le.. hehes.. play one game.. which was so dam stupid.. hhahas.. got 3rd... sobs ... hehes.. the ball kan sai de.. hahaas..
then after tat go home..
hehes.. ness n mei xuan ps me.. sobs.. hahas.. jkjk..
hehes.. quite enjoy bvah.. bcoz c old frenz... even tho dnt feel like gg out wif boon han they all.. but... wat elton say.. mian qiang.. lmao!!..
so afteralll.. quite fun.. but i dnt know why i felt a lil bored.. hahas... dnt know...

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

pe lessons..
hehes.. soccer.. fun lah.. nvr been this fun.. why?.. bcoz last time they nvr pass de.. now at least pass more.. hehes.. then erm. onli scored one goal lah.. that one tyco tyco de.. i got abt 4 shots leh.. 3 missed.. more than 3 i think.. dar dar keeper so pro.. but i also noob lah.. cannot chip the ball..hahas..
then bfore pe lesson..
haish.. may it b my fault.. but let me say wat i want to say.. 1 week and 2 days..
its enuff means enuff... u all may think that my words are heavy.. but.. if tat is wat u want me to say.. then i say it.. giv u all 1 week le leh!!. u all not juz dnt pass up.. nvm.. 'can we pass up tml plz...'.. great... monday nvm.. tues..nvm.. but todae last day lorh.. diaos.. hahas. sorry lorh... if my words are too hurtful..but..haish...
then after reccess was sci.. have to change bak to school uni.. joekrs are jokers.. washed there hands.. didn't dried it.. and press on my... my... n_p_l_s.... great.. transparent..??? not realli.. translucent.. hahas.. 2 jokers pull me bak to class.. my hands covering.. great.. attract everyone's attention..
attract nvm.. gals come join in... they pulled my shirt.. pulled my back... pull and pull.. then zhao geng.. -.-.. purposely de..hahas.. so bad rite... nxt time.. my turn le... muaahahs.. OBVIOUS!!.. obvious~!~...

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

hehes.. ...
can't believe it..
so zun... omgosh~~
hmm.. have been playing wif fortune teller for last few days and todae..
even though i dnt believe.. but ... omg.. its so zun lorh...
rite.. i forgot wats the last few dats fortune teller.. but i have got todae's.
YTD: dnt get into envy, illusions... be reflective. and plan ur road ahead..
smth like tat de...hahas.. my memory not otoo gd.=X
todae's: put urself in order and find the inner balance. this is not the time to relax. clear up confused relationships
and gues wat.. she replied teles wif my fortune teller! well.. i didn't saw it after i was online.. i didn't told her..
her nick was: i finally found the strength to leave that all behind..
hahahs... so zun...
yaya wadeva..
haish.. came to think abt it...
argh.. i think i need to go and c the doc for this whole mnth..=.=.. i think most likely i got symptoms of heart attk... or cancer?? lols..
why?? bcoz like tat lorh... ha ha ha...
lols. great.. anw.. she happi can le lah.. want leaves.. then very good.. =)..
then i can go bak to flirt le.=)). yaya.. flirt.. ppl come near me.. i give them diao face.. they turn away liaos.. if not then matchmaker liaos.. haish..
and joyce... thanks for helping.. but.. u shldn't hav did tat way.. not juz tat u will make me feel... but.. i dnt worth u sacri.......... its no pnt.. no way de... very sorri.. but also.. thanks alot...i appreciate that... thanks...
and todae's school matter.. dnt feel lik racking up.. its.......
anw.. i dnt think councillors is tat big deal..
plz asked before u do anithing..
sorri and thanks..

Monday, August 28, 2006

lets start off wif replying..
dai gai?i realli dnt get u..hahas.. ur dai gai got alot of things de...might not b wat i m thinking..hahas..
yaya..'you will be sorry if im gone'... hah...dnt know lah..hahas..

blah...great.. awhile ago, sum1 juz smsed me..
'WEI.. i so sad, u injure my darling, (.....), now i heartbroken, c lah, i cannot slp liaos..'
smth like tat.. hahs.. erm... sori lorh.. dui bu qi lah... who call him want rape me.. but too bad.. i rape him.. then rape until he knock his head on the steps.. sori wors.. dnt cry.. i help u glue bak ur heat kays.. x).. i gd guy.. i alreadi bought the rite glue le.. bcoz i want to use de.. lmao..

then todae got inter-calss soccer match.. haish.. so sad.. cannot play.. bcoz got some meeting.. GRr.. but anw.. thje score was 9-0.. so bad.. my class won, but aren;t they overboard?? A NIL!! wtf.. paly until so... haish.. they cannot even let a ball..
stupid meeting.. then during the meeting, got laughter... yep.. one luff all luff.. crazy.. i couldn't control myself.. unlike last itme.. haish.. then mRs Tan zheng bao.. plz stop tapping ppl's shoulder.. i know u want to hug me.. but dnt need act act one rite.. not juz me.. almsot al the boys.. omg.. crazy.. think u too despo le... hahas... got ur j.... lerhs.. still want so casanova.. ltr he sad how..hahas.. JK
then todae also the last day for my rice baby... aww. i miss him/her. not sure yet... but its a him.. hehes... so cute lorh... juz took a pic of it..hehes.. ji nian..lols..
then todae glad glad sick wors.. lols.. zz..
great in comp lab.. buwee me nia.. i no need a matchmaker.. hehes...

Sunday, August 27, 2006

1hr and 15mins more!!! ARGH!!! JUST CAN'T ................. GRR!!
=(.. awww...i want to ..... haish.....
DAM !!!!!!!!
hm.. hehew.. as what i m always.. a day after...
ytd.. got parade..
sian so long..
but the most interesting de.. is still ..
wee~~ hehes.. cool cool... go there bai swee.. hahas.. but then.during the ceremony.. the band play wrongly!! mauhahas!! so MILITARY BAND JUz... ... hahas... jk.. the band nvr play double tab earlier... then the whole thing cock up.. npcc the first contigent to march pass.. hmm.. then march halfway liaos.. the music then come in..lmao.. so lame lorh... so malu also..hahas..
then blah balh..hehes..
then got ceremony.. badges de.. hmm.. got 2 badges lorh.. sana and total def.. hehes.. so longl e.. total def badge alreadi gotten last yr le.. but now then lame...
then after tat.. during parade...drills drills drills.. eww..
take squad.. =(.. nco say i nervous.. not juz this parade leh.. sobs.. but the thing is tat.. i dnt know where to stand nia.. =X.. hehes..
then after tat got song session.. alreadi half dead le..
me weak mah.. no choice ..xD. during song session got friendship dance.. the sec1s learnt ..hehes. then went to the mid of the parade square.. then we do that.. hahas.. sadly no chio bu in npcc.. =(.. hahas.. then gal boi gal boi..blah..
then after tat.. got meeeting..alalsl. .meet ... meet.. then go makan,.then 3+!!
WOOT.. then reach home arnd 3.30.. hehes. lucky mummy nvr go out... if not i couldn't stay bak so late..hehes..
then at nite.. duh..
BORED.. then while i was palying.. miss joy-ce smsed me.. right.. then blah.. tok lame stuffs.. more to the coun..... side..lols.. find new ones?? nah.. 2 ppl say to me le.. duh.. same phrase.. sai lah..

then todae nth realli happened lorh.. onli boredom.. =)..
then todae also last day.. LEFT 4 HOURS FROM NOW TO......
then yaya.. to b exact... 3hrs and 26 mins..hahas...
bleahs ..
haish.. =((((((((((((((((((

Friday, August 25, 2006

hehes.. 3 days nvr update..blah.. =X
hm.. on wed..
VP-vice principal went into my class de sci lesson..
c us play play around..hehehes.. teacher also show us 2 experiment.. one coca-cola plus mentoes,another water wif erm.. sum acid or some kinda explosive stuffs..
coca-cola.. fun fun..foutain.. cher put one roll..hehes.. not very high tho..hahas..
then i saw bfore anw.. then my frenz also knew.. so he keep pestering the teacher to eat the sweets in the coca-cola bottle.. hehes.. lalals.. wonder wat happen..find out urself.. =)
then the explosive stuffs.. at first cher put small small piece.. then poof.. smoke came out.. if im not wrong.. hydrogen??!!
then after tat.. my class kajiao.. call teacher put a bigger piece.. since vp there.. no choice.. muz cheng quan..hahas.. SHIOK..
then put inside water....
1sec....2secs...3secs... BOOM!!
like volcano spitting out lava.. sort of.. into the air... a small flame.. hehes... 20cm above the water surface?? COOL eh... then alot of smoke.. blow into our faces.. pui.. cannot breathe.. breathe all the pungent smell.h.ahs.. no oxygen.. so sad no gals fainted..opps.. =X
then do some experiments.. mixing..blah blah.. lame stuffs.. then made observations..
then bfore leson ends..
WEISIANG.. can u tell me what u observe from wadeva acid..if i didn't rmb wrongly.. its solid baking soda with ... sulphuric or wadeva... ehhehes..
yea.. as my observations skilsl are noob.. i stammered.. -.-.. so lame.. summore vpnoe my bro de.. my bro bro pro in sci.then i so noob.. SO MALU.. sobs.. hehes.. TEACHER SABO ME!! HUMPF.. hahas...
then ytd.. hmm.. cher cher ms chan say cher day celebration muz stay bak..sobbies..muz complete lesson...duh~..hahas.. aWW so sad eh..hehes...then during chi lesson.. rite.. 2nd and 3rd period of the day.. hmm.. i overheard sum1 saying to the person infront of me ... ' SO OBVIOUS' ...hahas.. as im so clever..i knew wat was happening.. it was her. ehem.. she wore a ehem.. then.. i told her.. 'ya obvious'.. then she malu.. lols.. lmao.. after lesson..walk together to hist lesson... then she say.. 'no choice wat..'
i say' dnt wear lah' ...
then squeeze my neck..aww.. nxt time muz find gf also cannot find those violent de.. if not my neck sure break sooner or ltr de.. then todae she say.. 'not obvious rite..' ..-.-.. so byl de.. omg..

then todae.. EHEM.. ELTON gr.. early in the morning... go to my class there.. tok to me..
tok lorh..wat he did every morning anw..hehes.. then.. borrowed a marker from mr ashwin nath chatterji who gave him so willingly.. grr.. he wrote 4 words on my different fingers of my left hand.. rite.. tat was a permanent marker... grr.. then i tried to rub it off..cannot.. then during morning assembly.. muz stand wif my fingers covered.. ltr ppl bhind c..hahas..
then monitors and monitress got briefing..on SYF.. grr.. NPCC no gifts leh!! actually got lah.. t-shirts.. but for all the other participants.. they got free gifts.. so not fair..hahas.. =PpP..lalals
then at 9am got jap thingy.. went to hall...wait for jap to come..hehes.. wait till 9.30... they came.. rite...
WAT THE h... hahas.. i tot jap alot of chio bu de
hehes... then c performance.. lalals.. bored.. but onli one thing interesting.. when the jap performed for us.. the gals skirt flew.. WEE~ ya rite.. they wore tight purple pants under their skirts..aww.. hahas..
then blah blah.. nth much happened.. hahas..
tml got japanese culture thingy an d parade.. haish..sian..
japanese culture.. march march.. then blah blah.. bored de..hahas..

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

wah.. teacher pro.. duh~
teacher crapper...duh..
pro pro.. i lose to him leh..
he got so mani topics to tok lorh..
classwork..then ltr sports..
duh.. then ate wif him during reccess.. duh.. haass.
so sad he no gf.. pity him..hahas..
so lame lorh.. so cold de.. same as me..tsktskts..

then wencong.. duh.. he sai lah.. bcoz me.. i not worth your support or ur ren qing eh..hahas...
i will pay u bak de..but how..i dnt know..
wat u want..u want my ass? ..hahas..tsktsk..
but thx lah.. anw.. still prefer normal conver..hehes.. ^^
and i changed also got reasons de..
not juz tat.......ehem..
also bcoz of too mani ppl knowing my blog mah..hahas..

Monday, August 21, 2006

so sad..
blood vessels bursting le..sobs..
why???.. when heart beat too fast how??
more blood lorh.. more blood how?
more pressure lah! more pressure how?

y fast neh..
bcoz of.. lorh..
give me cold shoulders..i know i now in air-con room..but no need give me cold shoulders de rite...haish..
cold shoulders lorh..
u want cold shoulders ..fine lorh.. wadeva lorh..
very very sad..
elton says: " fine new one lah..."
ME: No WAY!.. never..
once bitten twice shy lorh...
very sad lah..sobs..
want to cry liaos.. n once i cry..means...
haish... =((
BORED.. hahas..
walked to bus stop.. then bfore that, turning at a corner.. saw a kitten.. i tio shocked lorh.. then i almost jumped.. -.-..

then hmm..
school lessons... nth lah..hahas..
then after school...
soccer match..
haish.. sorri eh.. my fault.. but actually.. not totally my fault lah.=X
the stupid 2T2 ppl come..kjajiao nia..interclass game.. act so rough..NABEI sia..
too bad..i have to scold in blog.. bcoz they gangster..scold them = die..zz so...
tat makes me seems so scaredy cat..hahas.. too bad.. dnt try to cr8 trouble..hhas..
then at the end.. 3-1..haish.. my fault lah.. actually can 3-2.. but then tat one..i tot gg to end le.. so i dnt give a dam.. slowly play..hehes..
but anw.. they play dam rough lah.. hit twice on my chests.. my chests pain liaos lorh.. ass sia.. then kik my right leg, elbow my left hand... hit my stomach.. i nvr even hit them lorh.. except for one..hahas...
ya lah..wadeva lah..
stupid game jiu dui le..hahas..

Sunday, August 20, 2006

nth realli happened much...
went for lesson todae..
then i my bus card no money.. board the bus.. uncle diao me.why i use coin.. then he ask me do smth..then i dnty know wat the hlel he toknig at first lorh.. then inside my brain..i feel like scolding him sia..
then at the end.. wat he meant was actualy, 'plz show me ur bus card'...
WOOT THE F...hahas..then go for lesson..boring..then come out..yawns..go bak home
but since my bus card no money..i made my way to j8.. then went to top up my card..then went home.. so pathetic.. juz for topping up my cardi went to j8..ahas.. ...
then go home.sian sian..
yawns boring.but now..
erm.. met a new frenz lah.. mwiss prawnie. ..
hmm..quite cute lah. hahas...
then so boring..yawns..
then now which is now..
then now lorh..
now then now lah.. wat u want me do now..
i doing nth now lorh..duh.~ ..hhaha.s.

Saturday, August 19, 2006 phone not spoiled..
its just thati forgot to off and on again nia..
too bad lorh..hahas..
ytd go watch wushu performance.. (ya rite..i m always 1 day back).
hmm.. didn't wanted to go actually.. but then hmm.. since i so i go lorh..
then erm.. very sorry tat day bah.. sorry to all.. may it be tat .. may it be this.. but i know why..
hmm...hhh got performance.. got 7th??..hehes.. not bad le lah.. even tho he could get 3rd de..hehes..
then erm... after performance cut cake outside the sports hall...
haish..i dnt know why.. but of coz i know why.. sudden;y got a 'mood swing' ...
wanted to cry...but.. luckily no tears come out.. my 'tissues' of my eyes wiped them off ..
but actually.. i alreadi wanted to cry bfore le... haish... y..i know why..but no one knows why.. onli elton knows why.. why? bcoz he my gd frenz... sigh..
anw..JASELINE, thx for helping..but dnt help to that extend whereby it seems tat everyone 'de jiu' me.. its not their fault lorh..its mine..even tho they r at fault.. but not reali lahs..
dar dar say im sensitive to... yep i m... sori eh dar.. -.-..
and lastly.. sorri SANDY.. for destroying ur 'early bdae mood'..
but anw..

Friday, August 18, 2006

awww!! my hp spoiled.. duh..
not realli spoiled actually..
onli cannot receive sms, cannot receive calls, cannot call ppl, cannot sms ppl...
bcoz antenna broke lah.. lols..
sad sad.. muz send for service.. hehes..
so erm.. contact by my hse phone lorh.. dnt sms ..hees.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

'got' is here
and 'got' became 'god'
and when 'god' became 'god'
the 'god' went godlike
and when it went godlike, it gave out godlight
when it gave out godlight, the people lives with pride

WEE~~ im god!
i gave out godlight
and give ppl pride
wif pride, ppl went for a ride
on the ride, they write and write
after they write, the turned right.

after tuirning right, they know they r right
being right, and on the torchlight
having the torchlight, they could do without thje moonlight
seeing the moon in the sky, it makes me think of sunlight.

since the sunlight is ther, it makes the earth so bright
on the bright earth, we should look on the bright side
but on the bright side, i also saw ppl bribe

ppl bribe otherthey became other ppl's bride
being his bride, they went for a hike
through the forests the hike, till the owls hide
coming oujt from their hide, they saw a huge tide

towards them was a huge tide, and it blows until their thigh
with the tide on their thigh, they walk along with their sides.
coming out of the tides, they reach the seaside
on the seaside, they took out their spice

with their spice, they added onto the pies.

OMg.. my lit poem sure pass de..if i wrote tat in the test.hehes..

hehes.. nth to post actually...
but anw.. the code is just for fun de.. and miss BROKO... u dnt anihow say say hor..ltr hor.. ur ehem.. sure die one todae ur teddy bear tio hung by mr yeo.. then dead le lorh..become hang man teddy.. so cute.. hanged teddy red colour de summore..
key chain..lols..
anw.. tat elton koh hor..very donkey de leh.. grr.. play me leh..GRR.. then in the end he tell me.. 'actually hor.. i also dnt know why i angry..' ..wah lao..cold wars.. zz.. as i have said..lucky u not my gf..if not i realli cry like sht liaos..lols..
then todae..hmm.. dnt know why.. mood quite gd bah..hahas.. mood swing?? lols.. mood wings lah..
then erm...
todae after skool go out eat wif dar dar they all..
z.. i like one extra kia..stand bhind them n walk.. hhehes.. but nvm lah..juz go chou chou re nao nia..zz .. then eat wadeva thai dish.. 2 meat 1 vege=$3.. so exp.zz..
then hor liaos..i so frenz still go buy other stuffs n eat lorh..wah.. they pro.. hehes..
then go home paly wc3 wif elton koh.. hehes.. so lame..bored games..yawns... but as we know..
bored games=board games..
so we love playing 'board games' ..hehehes..

Monday, August 14, 2006

compare with songs??? no..?? i know u all know more songs than me lah..coz i nvr hear rite..sobx..buweee me nia..sing to me.. but quite touched lah..onli that u all zhao xi-ang..hahas.. nvm lah..i also..heehes..
lols, since jiayi loves to sing so much... i guarantee his songs will make his gf (if he has one) very touched de... very soon will fall in love.. (when i fall in love.... 'tsktsk, wadeva song..hees..)
kiss goodbye lah, FIR lah (wo men de ai), yue liang dai biao wo de xin lah, ni zhen me she de wo nan guo lah, n blah blah..hahas..
so cute lorh.! want to suan me..ltr suan himself.. hehes..want to say dnt want to say...hehes..=X

haish..tat one is happy come sad part..duh.. as we know...our life is up n down.. there r bad things and good things.. so i think my life is like a quadratic graph.. *act cute*.. ehem.. 'teacher say y=ax(sq)+bx+c is a u-shape graph, and y=-ax(sq)+bx+c is a inverted u-shape hor..i think hor..i belows to the u-shape graph leh..u know hor... inverted u means positive mah..but hor got too mani negatives for me i think hor i belongs there lorh..hehes..'
then hor..u ask me y i so sad bcoz hor..someone ignore me leh.. then he say 'nope'... then i... woot???.. u look at me. then u look bad de..i want tok to u..u go tok to other ppl..sobx..lucky u not girl..if not i reali realli heartbreak liaos..tsktsk...
then hor.. i daydream in clas leh..dots..lucky nvr get caught..lalalalalas..~ daydream of who neh..i also dnt know..lols...then hor... my eyes dam pain.. i think too tired bah..sobbies.. mwuammie juz came bak from china ytd...hehes... bought me squirrel de toy toy.. now i got greenie and the toy toy liaos.. hehes.. then hor..erm...forget wat le..nvm...
tml doing 'rice' baby...RICK SARKS?? lols.. still rmb the dp..hehes.. this month..unlucky mnth..tsktsk..hehehes.. haish..hehe until i duh...cannot hehe liaos... hehe more my heart beat even faster... i think sooner of ltr my blood vessels will burst.. my brain will b full of blood.. sobs..then i will blackout, then worst come to worst comma, then worst come to worst paralyze, and if worst... then i die..WEE~ hehes... (argh...bth...too mani hehe le..)

Saturday, August 12, 2006

The different versions....

going out, wif jiahua, make me think, of faeces, everyday, go to toilet, c the....toilet bowl!
looking in, to the mirror, make me think, of faeces, me myself, goes to toilet, there we have...a pile of...shit ~
playing comp, get addicted, tok to gf, on msn, c her wif, another guy, there we go....destroy!~
toking to, jiahua, c her wif, brokox, i took a, plastic bag, and
saying sorry, its not an excuse, bcoz sorry, is just a word. sorry means, nothing, but realli....very.....sorry.....~
gg to, cinema, wif my gf, sitting bside me, got one man, came bside her, and touch her....and touch her.....and otuch her her her~~
calling dear, itsn't a tough matter, it onli means, that gal is dear. if we pronounce, wrongly, it will be...calling....DEER ~..

thas for now..anw..its a song..edited.. so if u dnt know wat it means..dnt bother..hehes..^^

got abt 17 or 16 ppl bah...hehehes...4 sec 2s, the others sec 4s!..hehes..
early in the morning...10am, we meet at bishan mrt..bcoz 2 of us staying we tot that it wld b a greater palce to meet.
then we go plaze ppl there de...then shop also haven open..some shops half open..
we walk around plaze singapura TWICE...for 45mins..and we sees nth intersting to us...then we go back to a gift mani soft toys there.. mwe frenz picked one hand puppet cute lorh!! frenz go imitate the sound...'Hie, im WJW, im made of jiahua (one hand raise), weisiang (second hand raise), and JUSTIN! (then the head shakes like the ecstacy's effect is taking palce). SO CUTE!! we bought that for MWUAMMIE's BDAY PREZZIE!!!..
then 11.30am, met at pizza hut. use puuppet say happy bday to mwuammie...actually we planned somthing else..but mr shuai ge justin dnt dare do.. sad lorh...
then makan makan makan...mwe and justin makan onli 1 and a half piece of pizza!!wee~..but then the organiser worst..1 pizza sad..summore pay the most bcoz of miscalculations..
wat a waste lah..each person = $7..(gd enuff for one meal each...)
hehes..but then she say '1 for all, all for 1'.. i really nth to say..hahas..
then paly the puppet...jiahua play, then want to grab my face wif the puppet..then he missed!! his thumb went into my eyes...then i couldn't open my eyes for a short period of still pain..
then we go bowl bowl...zz..too bad its passed the price was higher..WTH..hahas..waste money.. bowl bowl bowl..sian...onli one strike..sigh...alot of zeroes...long gao... mayb bcoz the tile or flooor or wadeva too smooth bah..our balls will go sideways.. all right..its the bowling balls..not our 'balls'..
then we go makan at TPC... we tok tok tok...tok craps all the fun lorh...its like every second luffing...non stop..
ate at long john silver...then we were toking abt npcc stuffs...saying abt how sux other skools are..then little did we notice that saint andrew is onli sitting bside us.. we spotted them onli after our meals where we were toknig for fun... then we were like malu.. bfore we leave..we dnt even dare to look at them..lols..~
then we go walk around.. and we went... KIDDY PALACE!! WOOT!! SOFT TOYS ON THE SHELVES!! ALL RIGHT, THIS WAS THE MAIN FUN PLACE FOR THE DAY. 'HEY SMALL GAL (zheng bao), ARE U LOST??' BCOZ SHE WAS PLAYING WIF THE TOYS...then we were like calling each other as toys.. or cartoons we can fun lorh... then the ELEPHANTS.. ahahas..frenz say the 'thing' grow at the front..wOOt.. summore can steam whenever they like. summore can twist. then go to the back between the legs.. so much of 'freedom'..
then we sat the kiddy playground.. watch kids play the slides and 'small house'. got one older gal trying to squeeze into the house using the first we tot she stucked..but..unfortunately..she went in..hahas..then my frenz went sitting there.. SEEING PPL ZHAO GENG..small kids also dnt fang guo...even though i saw a few...but i dnt dare to carry on seeing man..i almost 'mian bi si guo'..-.-..face the wall and luffl like sai...
then go ntuc... bcoz shermin need to buy a ribena bottle for her waadeva...hehes.. then saw the wadeva hippo... the fatt liaos then got nice smell..put in wardrobes de.. then go suan ppl... wah 'zheng bao, how come u so cute...fatt liaos got perfume smell.hahas....'
quite kool after that we went home..if not sure tio meh...
then hor..i remembered that my national library book is dued!!..aww!!.. need to pay fine liaos..zz.. hahaas...

Friday, August 11, 2006

why always i do wrong things de...duh...
i realli got no idea...i dnt c why i shldn't, or why couldn't i...i really really dnt understand at all...
i just dnt understand y u suddenly so angry...
then say so disappointed...
why couldn't i???
im still wondering why..why u dnt wanna me to say it...i realli realli have no idea wat r u trying to juz dnt tell nvr tells me..u nvr tells me matter how i ask..u juz...
then after u tell me..i told ....but..why not???concern nia i ask lorh...haish..ok lorhs...nxt time dnt want tell then dnt want tell bah...i wnt force u le......its okie.....
y so complicated..?!
can't we hav a simple life???
what's in ur heart juz say it man..whats there to keep..the more u keep, the more u r heavy wif...u will eventually breakdown one day...
ytd...i told my frenz abt what happen..u know...having sum1 to share ur sorrow juz seems as tho u r let out a bird cage...u can feel the wind..
i guess im writing on the blog...juz as tho im treating this as my frenz...but i dnt know y...ppl get misunderstood...
just hope that.....ehem...

Thursday, August 10, 2006

hmm..nth much happened todae.....
actually...alot of things happened todae..
2)rotting rotting
3)rotting rotting rotting
4)rotting rotting rotting rotting
5)rotting rotting rotting rotting rotting
6)rotting rotting rotting rotting rotting rotting

It is juz VERY VERY BORED!!lalals..
hm..ytd went to c fireworks..
then in the end..we c black nice...
hehes...then saw my frenz...sso disappointing. no fireworks..hahas..
haish...then after tat dnt know go where..zz..
then balh blah blah black faces..-.-..
lthen sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh...(sensored)....

then after that me n bro n his frenz went out to makan...
then after tat go bo liao lorh...zz...i know i dnt go out...
then then then...

sum1 reject me so mani times le lorh..duh...
then dnt want go out wif me..but in the end still go out...wt...haish..
nvm bah...sighs............................

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

im wonder why..have been blogging this few days..
i think im abit crazy eh...hahas...
haish..juz now now...
i dnt know heartbeat has incrase tremendously..its so fast...
bouncing like no body's business...
chest abit pain sia juz now...'bounce' too fast le...zzz..
i dnt need that blood anw...neither do i have poison blood to be replaced by new blood..
i dnt know why..juz feel something wrong..or something is gg to happen...i realli have no no no idea...
perhaps its...
perhaps that...
but its impossible...
maybe i shouldn't think that much eh.....argh...
play audition to calm myself down de..but in the end..the heartbeat increase..wOOt the f...
then bfore that go play electone..calm down abit..then bak to comp..uh..increase again..sux...
now still 'bouncing'...hmm...i wonder why...perhaps bah..perhaps.....
nvm..shldn't think so much..argh...
hmm...needa settle np stuffs....haish....
todae morning i also went out wif elton,yuning, yong siong, and one of yuning's frenz..quite fun least they will tok..hehes..
then elton snatched my phone sms 'i love u' someone..tsktsk...then i took his phone sms 'i love u' to the same person also..lols..then he dnt want give me bak my phone...i need to go n dip my hand into his pockets..which was unsuccessful..then i hold up his to topple tat type of style de...then after SEVERAL tries..finalyl gave bak my phone..hahas...
it was fun out wif someone who at least tok...even tho i seldom tok...onli when things comes to my mind then i tok... sian sian ...mood bored...
100% boredom..
101% sian
102% i want to die
103% i want to end my life out of boredom??? or..???
104% i want....
105% time hell??heaven???i think i shld go so evil..xD
hmm..todae national day EvE...
hahas...pretty boring..tot that it wld b a fun holis..but gues im wrong eh..rotting at hme...
call ppl also dnt dare call..
smses also ehem...
so sian...summore wait for ppl to join game long...
sians diaos..realli nth to do...

anw..todae's the school's performance..
wasn't realli gd as compared to last time...
but the special thing abt todae's celebration was singing along..
but of coz it sucks to the core..
no one participates in the one one dare..
onli after elton's class..4e2 stood up as a whole class and sang...kool eh..
then everyone also join in...
at first i c liaos i diao...
then ltr i pull my frenz upp..hehes..he handicap..then it seems as though im forcing him to stand up...pulling both his hands ..hahas...
then no one dares to sing..onli a few...but then got teacher sing leh..teacher so pro...nice voice..hahas..
then hmm..pretty kool lah..wushu..
then others juz sucks.. racism..opps..

sian..tml national day..i think i gg to rot at home also ler...yawns..hehes..

Sunday, August 06, 2006

so it was a bad ending har...haish

haish..wwhy does it have to be this way...u always kept secrets from me...but i always tell u wats on my mind. even those which may hurt, but i dnt like to keep secrets from... ehem...
but do u know that i tell u, bcoz i have a reason.
i tell u bcoz i want u to know everything, bcoz i tot that u will know and understand
y didn't u tell me first..last u know why i didn't ask.
bcoz i dnt wanna creates misunderstanding..i prefer knowing the truth first
u asked me do i really reayll do, i tell u i really do for so mani times..
i didn't ask u whether u really erally do, thats bcoz i know u wnt tell..
since that ur very gd frenz told me, so y kept it in urself.
u could have told me...but u didn't...
so do u really rewally do???
ireally really do...

Saturday, August 05, 2006


HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO ness baby sis (nicholina)
HAPPY EARLY EARLY BIRTHDAY TO MING LIANG (great grandpapa, 7 august)
HAPPY EARLY x5 BIRTHDAY TO SHUQI cum QING FENG(grandmama, 10august)

baby sis--4aug
yu ning-6aug
ming liang--7aug
sin ee--8aug
shu qi--10aug
hehes..all so qiao..

Friday, August 04, 2006

eh..i juz realised that.i always post on sumthing which happened a day ago..hahas..
hmm..ytd was my bdae...had a great time..xD..thanks to those...^^.
during school a few still rmb my bdae touching..hahas..summore got bdae prezzie..wasn't hoping for one..even tho i know sum of them knows...
thanks to those 2 gals...xinyu and shuling..for ur nice pencil box...which i think i still prefer taking my old pencil box..sorry..
then for the day..hsit lesson was the most fun lesson for the day...
or rather so bah..bcoz got gd news news=happie mah...
ltr bcome nes...(excuse=my 'w' got prob..wahaha)
i got 24/25 for hist proj...mainly bcoz it was a comedy...but then hor..after we left..teacher show other class hor say bad words bhind us leh..want say say infront of us lah..-.-..i dnt know wat he say..but wadeva lorh..hahas..
cher cher c my proj me ah ma..which shld b ah not a woman kays!zz..hehs...
then after school...waited for elton...30mins-45mins..hehes..then go meet ness at bss with a big box of prezzie...a card plus a soft toy..(which im holding now while idea why i holding also..)
after that went dar dar come dwn!!..dar so cute...
he wore de pants so low....then we played wrestling or wadeva fighting.pushing one person to the ground then ehem...then they want sabo me want me to c gal up skirt..but too bad..i not so pervert go look...anw..TO DAR (if he knows i have this blog..but dnt tell him if he doesn't know): im not so pervert to c ppl upskirt..and if i c liaos..i will say need didi say i go c de wen i say i didn't...
hehes..then play play paly...then saw dar zhao geng..BLUE LEH..with so mani CARTOONS on his CUTE first i tot was his pants..then i took a closer look..opps=XxX..hehes...
after that we went to makan at ps...i dnt know why they go there..but i tink bcoz wencong want play arcade bah...since his bdae on not gg out wif him since he got his ehem...jk..then go bah...the least i can do to make him happi tho i hate arcades...but sadly, we got chased out by the worker there bcoz of our skool shorts and we go makan at KFC...
then hor..while eating hor..someone hor...promised me hor...want to SW wif me de..tsktsk..but i know she wnt de..nvm..haahas...
after that then we went home le...send ness home...she like so sian that type...walk wif me like argh..i ....
hahaas..nvm bah..then summore she dare me leh...dare lorh..dare lorh...='(...

but anw..had a GREAT day...THANKS to all who have celebrated this bdae wif me...i nvr have such a fun time...bcoz..i nvr have bfore at all...

todae..received awards bah...maths olympiad..bronze...
didn't expect to get anw...was guessing the ans...
todae got show n tell also..mwe do juggling..ppl say i act..duhs...but anw i lied for show n tell...=X..a black lie..hehs!i said i started juggling in p4..which was actually this yr...last mnth onli summore..wahahahas..too bad..but then...too bad lorh..hahas..
after skool...met elton...he told me he and ness got secret...nvm..then i ask him can tell me mah..
he say cannot...NVM..then he still tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk...argh...then i ask him again can tell me mah.. plz...
mwe and him buddy so long le..
i got secret i tell he got secret he dnt want tell me..last time he still say i his buddy..secret tell 'me' leh..then i tell lorh..hahas...then after tat i dnt know why...i show attitude to him..hehes...which was meant to play..n to force him to say nia...perhaps i was overboard le and sori..but.....dots...always make me 'SHENG ZAI FU ZHONG BU ZHI FU'..the more u treat me that way..the more sad i feel..bcoz i dnt know wat i did was rite or wrong, hurtful or not...dnt keep me in darkness..i prefer the light...i sadded!!...forget it bah..hahahas...
anw..i respect ur decision for not telling me..but...
nxt time do not force me to say anithing secret lorh...^^
anyway...ELTON KOH..U ARE THE FIRST PERSON WHOM I SHOW ATTITUDE TO LEH..SHOULD BE tOUCHED..hehes...but acting not bad lah..tsktsk

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

ytd dry until i ...=.=""""""""""""""""""""""'
nvm..ytd we fired 12 rounds..n guess wat...
i didn't c ani holes in the target there leh...sunmore 12 the air onli shoot 11..i think i missed out one sad!!
hmm...the gun so kool lorh..but then ....
(kool until i missed)
nvm..but anw..when firing got smoke de james bond..can blow the smoke..but dnt dare..ltr the HO there scold me.h.ehehes..
playing with the gun was very least got try...but then..the feeling and the feeling of practicing wif no bullets very different leh..
no bulelts very ahrd to pull the bullets like so ez like tat..its was kool...

hm..tml..big day??..hahas..
tml got test, got show n turn le..zzz..yawns~
also tml after skool got ehem...hehes...tml i dead le...hahahas...~~~