Wednesday, December 14, 2005

i owe vanessa.


Thursday, November 24, 2005

last week le...

time flysssss...last week of november sad..
haix, this week no npcc, dam relax siax, but nxt week die parade, full u de..sianx diao..hmm, this monday also the day where knowing of promotion, qutie scary...the after the parade is to go to police coast guard...sianx diao...a long long day, morning till evening.torturement..hmm, actually this week no special events happening...well,last week saturday there was a pretty nice experience...
martial arts, the martial arts hav been brought forward to last sat bcoz the previous sat the instructor bz, but it didn't waste our time lol..CPR..kool..
the martial arts...haix...dui lian siax...the stretching exercise alreadi made us worn out liaox, the instructors still say tat was a light one...their stretching was the same as sit n reach, but my sit n reach so lan, still call me stretch..
then got 1 pnt, muz open both legs n stretch, i open no so big, then on of the helpers kik my leg until so big, pain pain siax..then after tat, practice kiking..
turning kik, forward kik
haha, tat was fun..n my grp, was said to be one of the best one..bcoz we kiked the loudest...
n at the end of the course, there was a grp want me go de...but i scissors paper stone , loser go up..tat day so lucky..i use paper, he use i win..keke..haha, tat was rather fun aniwae..
hmm, tat was one of the interesting happenings in this few weeks actually..keke..
k lah, dnt continue le, go play dota..

Sunday, November 06, 2005


aww, 1 week of holis has passed.
did nth meaningful aniwae..
haha, we sec holi le, pri still in skool shouting..
"Checkmate man, u die le, muahahaa"
lol, so sad, sec cnanot like tat..haa..
also got bak my report book le..
so sai...
lvl position kns
so sad lah...
lvl position 7 siax..wat the f man...
cannot top 5...:'(
well nvm, still got nxt yr, i not scared...hmm, psle over le, every exams for the yr over le, everyone enjoying le...
still got 1 more week of struggling to holi worx...pri skool de...
todae actually nth special happen. but yesterdae got ...
yesterdae actually my npcc sqquadmates were supposed to attend a martial arts course...but the instructor nvr come, so we sit in for the first aid course wif our NCOs..
they taught us abt CPR, i know wat to do le...n also know quite well le...nxt time if got anibodi 'faint or wadeva'...muaha, i will b there..eke, but im not a qualify, actually it was juz to let us get to know more abt cpr, but we cannot do it if there is someone realli needed cpr...haa,
then the day before..
i went bowling wif my frenz...4 person play bowling..haha. i played 3 rnds...
while playing,my frenz kik each other butts' when they wwere abt to throw the ball...
n of course, i was the last victim to kena...
my frenz kik me until my ball go side way n almost into the 'long gao'... but at least got hit 1 rite, ppl kik me still can hit won the first rnd, n got 2nd for the nxt 2 frenz damn pro, got turkey..
but i not scared..
i got "ENGLAND"!!!
more pro than him..keke..haha..aactually, holis is for us to relax de, mayb wan yue me out also can...^^,

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

long long time ago...

Long long time ago, in the southern province of China, there live a man call...
hehe, finally bak blogging le, but then bocz nth to do then bloggie..haha
this few days got bak my exams marks le..saddening siax...wahahaha.
ppl from other class score so high i score so low, so sad..sobx..sighx..then summore this few days psle marking day, i suppose most of the pri skool pupils were out having fun n playing. that reminds me when i was last yr, badminton almost every week...but no court(waste money)
wahaha, thinking bak hor, realli wasted alot of time last yr after psle leh, then get so low de aggregiate..hahaha.nvm lah, secondary skool zai lai...muahahaha..
my exams arhx, 'heaven' siax...grr..eng n chi all B leh...but not bad lah..out of 7 subj, i got 5 As,wah kekeke...
sci i onli got 83!!!kaox..then lit 70, maths 89!!!ppl get 97 leh!!i so lan!!!kaoxxx...chi 64,hist 96, geog 87...haix..ppl 90+++, sobx..keke...
haix.. still lost to other class, so boring..type until sianx can resumed playing le..keke..

Thursday, June 16, 2005


hmm, todae juz re-formatted my comp
now damn slow..dnt know y leh, also juz dl gb, muahahaha, then on my comp, leave it on till i came bak from dinner. reach hme arnd 8+ bahx, haha. then arnd 9, i play again..wah, the comp muz b hot, haha, 10 got 'lost', not bad, quite a interesting film. haha, nth to write also lah,
long time nvr write, now dnt have the feelings, sianx sianx de, ahahahaha, also lazy lah.heehee..

Friday, May 20, 2005


haix, todae very cham siax, tio sabo
firstly, is my frenz sabo me lah, told my frenz abt me very notti outside guai in skool, but then true lah, but rite, she continue to add rubbish siax, say wat if i c ppl too chio i will hug her one, her imagination too pro liaox..haix, now ppl got bad impression on me
anwiae gd lah, me bad boi, sh;dn't come near me de
2nd thing is, todae S&T, my teacher say got presentation. omg..wat shyt, we go there tio pour lengshui and waste time
go there let teacher c our project onli, no presentation. wat shyt man..waste my time, or else i can go for npcc, wat the hell...then they say the real presentation is on the 7july, wat crap, juz wasting my time..then summroe muz do poster, as if we got alot of time like tat lorh, damn, S&T, big need to re-do our projects into the real product, wah, waste time again, sianxxxxxxxxx.....haix...damn S&T

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

NPCC day

wahahaha,so long liaox..
todae nppc day siax, muahaha, i late...hahaha. actually bcoz i dnt know got mah, so not my fault, but then also partially my fault bcoz i didn't ask lorh
so sad...i cry le...
haha, go up stage, go there stand stand then say pledge, then wear quarter u the whole day, so shiok, long pants
todae, also very the fun lah, dnt know y, funni, ppl play true or dare will come find me, haha,c their faces, need to say, eg. i s...
wagahahaha, i say ty, then they luff...hahaha
so fun..wahaha..
actually, not very fun todae also lah, bcoz nowadays very boring liaox, moody moody de..sobx sobx

Friday, May 06, 2005


heehee, long time no post psot le..haha..lazy leh..lolx..thsi few days very sianx lah..haix..boring siax...:(...nth to write lah..boring~

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

shake leg

hehe, me getting lazy le, not posting very often.haha
hhm, this yr me skool no mid year, onli got the last term exam lorh, aha, can shake leg le...hmm
yesterdae me wear full u, npcc uni, heehee, very the cham arh, tio tekan,keke, wear uni very strict siax, scared scared wrongly dwn, nvr wear properly also dwn, c scouts, so relax, they keep slacking thru. ppl sedia still can stand on one leg. haha
not bad lah npcc, qutie fun, but qutie scary sometimes..haha
but wait till 3 yrs ltr, my turn to tekan others...haha...

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


wow, haix, nth to write leh this few days...haix, sianx man...hmm, nth happen todae lah, haix, onli bad luck lorhx, play wif sec2, i think, zhong guo xiang qi, lose until very cham, haix...dui lian...:'(..haha, lolx..nth to write lah todae, sianx...signing off..

Friday, April 15, 2005


heehee, this few days hav been lazy, dnt wanna update blog lah..haha
yesterdae, i got workshop,very fun...
but tio embarrassed thrice leh, all performing, argh.
my frenz, keep saying
my name over n over again, then i need to act n act
my first act was, i being a guai kia, then got gangsters want sell branded items to me, but i need to reject. very fun, i kept luffing thruout the drama. haha..then the 2nd one was my classm8, kept saying i got 6pacts, pack?...or wadeva, but i dnt hav lorhx..argh..haha..
then the instructor, speaker, call my blow balloon..haha..i tot easy/...then after i blow half way, she pop the balloon...wah lan, my lips pain siax...then ppl say i 'am cuio', means in the dark i luff..haha..then the 3rd one not very fun lah, nth much, but my grp got prize for acting the last drama, our prize was...the nuts, u need to crack bai very fun lah yesterdae..haha..
then erm..todae no npcc, shiok ah..haha..ltr my nco c liaox i die..lolx..hmm, then todae got D&T, me grp think of a idea of putting the utensils properly in the tray instead for mixing them, our reason for the proj lah..haha..not bad lah, this week. quite fun.
n more interesting things, yesterdae, my eng teacher asked me, y i so frenz there also lorhx, haha, then they sabo me say i bad bad boi..lolx..todae my project work lesson, my teacher asked again, my frenz told the teacher(same eng teacher) i hav an innocent face, but in my heart, bad bad bad..haha..not bad..quite fun..haha...then i do nth, but kept bai chi...haha..haix..i hope most of the weeks could b so fun lorhx..gaga..
signing off

Saturday, April 09, 2005

sports day-npcc-todae..

haah...long time no update ...hmm, blog skin frenz help me de lah...not bad rite..doggy
hm..the day bfore eysterdae was sports day lah..qquite boring...n i ran for 4x100m, got 4th lehx..sad..haha
then yesterdae npcc...gdgd, got play games...we onli play once in a blue blue blue moon leh..muz say green green green le...very frenz lose mah, so he tio...need to run round n sing happy b'day song to one of my squad m8 lahx..not bad lorhx..then todae went junction 8, waste my time onli..haha..stupid D& i need to think abt dnt le...signing off...*whoosh*

Saturday, April 02, 2005

time realli flysssss

wow!even time flys so fast, its even faster than the fastest animal or things in the world!wow..its been a few weeks or mnth since i last updated...ha
well, todae wasn't quite a bad day after all...hmm, quite fun lahx...onli kept playing gb sianx lorhx, same game every time..haa..aniwae, yester very funny...after my npcc, my bro came wif my cousin...didn't expect my cousin to come at all...miracle..haam, then she asked me who is isabella..(my frenz, sms de)...she curious, so i told her...then she n my bro go tok to her lorhx!!!then her frenz shield her, says tat she is isabella...then the reali isabella hide..haha..lolx, my bro n cousin say the frenz like Ah Bao,...ah bao n brandy...singer? or wadeva...haha...then kept playing wif them..tok crap...then wen going hme, wen car pass them, cousin will shout.."byebye isabella"...wah lan...lame siax...very malu...hope no rumours lorhx..n as if i like her like tat...lame siax..grrr

Monday, March 21, 2005

nice day------bad day

heh heh, todae is the starting of 2nd term...heehee, so quite gd lahx...lolx, its was a nice day todae, but until afternoon...
i was smsing my frenz lorhx
she scold me crapper, n bad day=gd, nice day= very gd
juz a 'very' nth much lorhx, 1st day tio scoldings nia...but then the teacher very gd...hehe..stop after awhile, but then..its bcoz of our du hou gan...alot of ppl write short, 1/4 she failed them n scolded, n said she is going to tak to the H.O.D to c..whether to kik those who failed or not..haha...gdgd...then gt lesser ppl in my class...gdgd...higher chinese...shiok ah..haha

Thursday, March 17, 2005


haix, todae...
my frenz ask me play badminton, but i didn't c the time, n i tot it was early, so i agreed...juz now, then i found out its so late, n i didn't want to go. but then they keep saying 'wo dui ni hen shi wang',..
bu shou xing yong
aniwae,haix, realli didn't meant to let them dwn, but 2 hr play wat badminton?play shyt? i let them down lorhx,...realli guilty, but no choice...
sorri guys...

Monday, March 14, 2005

tend tend

heehee, todae go swimming. go deep pool, cannot c chio bu..sobx...bro say medium pool too shallow for him, want go deep pool. haix, or else can c chio bu lehx..all his fault..haha..deep pool also saw 2 gals, not very chio lahx..but got 1 time they swim towards us lorhx, can swim length they dnt want, want swim breadth..haha..aniwae, too big for me my skin very dark, too dark indian..scared tml skin come out(moult)..haha...then my eyes like panda, but the opposite nia
white is the eyes, n black is the face..haha..hee..tats all for todae lorhx..haha..
singing off

Friday, March 11, 2005


wow, todae got swimming, shoo shiok...
ppl swim brest stroke i swim free style...hahaha..then keep getting first..very jian rite?..haha...hmm...
todae also got NPCC
shoo fun siax, i dnt know y i say fun...hahahaha
but the drills very fun, summore know 2 person who know my former former classm8 lehx..bu cuo...i dnt know i so famous till soo mani ppl know me lehx...summroe the person who told them who i m is not in my skool..hahaha

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

long time no update eh=)

haha, long time no update liaox...hmm
todae went to do proj, grp bully onli boi class bois no. odd i extra lorhx...join girl girl grp. wif them not bad lahx, boi boi slack one...they at least can deco, boi dnt even care...hmm...4.30 reached hme lorhx...quite early. we finished at around 3.50...but i do my h/w until 4.15 in the library, then come hme...heehee...haha..todae nth special lahx..ahaa..signing off
*flies off*

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


argh, did very badly for hmt...
dnt know y, everytime hmt test my marks is always very low. every test, from p5 till now.!!. everytime de, grrr...damn it...
i hope this wnt happen animroe...damn it damn it damnit

Saturday, February 26, 2005


maths test
had a bad one
lotsa careless mistakes
all i know de
but didn't read properly
n manz
hate it

Thursday, February 24, 2005


arghh....i forgot to sign my science new south wales thingy, then cannot join..oh wat the hell..sighx..i realli wish i can join...i realli wish i had signed..argh..plz...can time turn bak..

Saturday, February 19, 2005


Sighx, boredom overcomes me...feel like fainting. n get out of this world. But i juz can't.
reali wish sum1 would cheer me up, make my day beta, wif lotsa fun n happiness..haix.
todae arhx, too foggy...smelling, smoke all around singapore, most likely is smth caught fire...forest or large area of trees, plants..haix..haha...soo sianx lorx..sobx..

Monday, February 14, 2005


haix, bad dae for me siax...=(
todae teacher say me attitude bad leh, bcoz of dnt know wat reason..i did nth wrong lorhx..then she say my attitude bad, bcoz she said tat she like owe me things, then she say i bad bad..:'(..not infront of me lehx, but behind me...sad siax..sobx..

Saturday, February 12, 2005

nice morning

todae morning was awesome, me n my family go beach watch sunrise=)nice nice...i owke up at 5.50, then go lorhx..
we took alot of photo siax, all very nice except for the pics which im inside..='(
haha, then we went to eat at the hawker centre...not very nice, lousy stall...after that we went to compasse mall...big but all the shops not open yet, nth to shop...onli cold storage-.-"...hee..then we went hme, bro go out visit one play wif me..sianxxxxxx

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Happy Chinese New Year!!!

yoz manx, wassup wassup

todae chinese new year lehx, very hapi siax, got alot of hongbao...but then gamble till lost $ lousy gambler..
tml muz earn bak..cannot lose de..haha
todae new year, shooo cannot b angry, even if i lost also muz b calm..

*calm, CALM, calm*

lolx, but then some ppl still gets angry..haix..poor thing siax, new year also angry...haha...aniwae, juz wish everybodi will hav a great time n not b angry=)

gong xi fa cai
wan shi ru yi
xue ye jing bu
bu bu gao sheng
sheng ti jian kang
ji xiang ru yi
nian nian you yu
shou bi nan shan


Tuesday, February 08, 2005

yo wassup new year eve

yo manx ppl,

firstly i wanna wish everyone happy chinese new year, gong xi fa cai hong bao yi ge lai!

hmm, todae had my reunion dinner, quite tasty, but i didn't ate much...i onli ate a little n im hungry now when im writing this...hah..n wats more, bcoz of tat i was the first to finish leh, another reason is also im the first one to eat...bleahx=P..haah, i had king prawn, vege, soup, duckie, chicken...n more...very delicious, awesome...

waiting for tml...can gamble siax...gdgd...long time nvr gamble le..haha...wish me gd luck=)

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Chinese New Year EVE coming

Chinese New Year Eve coming le, gdgd, hong bao coming our ways...heee

chinese new year eve is on the Tues!Me meeting a few frenz to go out n eat, bcoz they owe me lunch, =)..great!!!haha, looking forward to tat day, got free lunch, who dnt want...haha...

Aniwae, juz wanna wish everyone

HaPpY ChInEsE NeW YeAr!!!!

Thursday, February 03, 2005



shoo fast thursday liaox, tml swimming...haix, always get last, shoo i hate it. MALU SIAX!~!~!~!~sobx, realli hope i can swim fast, but i juz can't can't can't. I haven been swimming for 2 years, haix...bored...

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

sport heaty


todae sport heat 1!!!! took part in 200m race=)goody good...
i came in first, i think qualify...but the most wodnerful n outrageous thing was tat i won a sec 2 guy!!!he came in!!!unbelievable...i was in lane 2...heeheee, now i need to get rdy for sport heat 2!!!wahahaha, then finall...gdgd

Saturday, January 29, 2005


ytd internet spoiled, cannot come online, shoo boring.

ytd got swimming lesson, me 2 yrs nvr swim le, then need to swim 10 round frog style then 10 round frog style again. wah liew...muscle cramp siax...shoo cham..pain pain, cannot walk, muscle one massage for me, sobx...saddie

Thursday, January 27, 2005


bad day last flu, nose very pain siax..used alot of tissue summore...then early in the morning didn't concentrate in class, kena punish siax...haix..malu..=(...very bad day todae, then got pc lesson..shoo sianx!!1 bai chi teacher n my form teacher do nth there...-.-"..haix..shoo boring..sadddddddddddddddddddd

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

yoz manx...wassup

Todae was a gdgd day, onli for some things tho...

i did a very ... unpleasant thing.

we were to form grps of 5 for project work...then the boys is 16 bois mahx..1 odd one...soo my gro has alreadi 5 ppl...but got one guy we all dnt like...then another boi ask us can he join...then we quickly say yes...then the boi got left out..soo poor thing..
then the teacher scolded us why we always left him to join the gals..haix
then the teacher want him to join wif the boi grp...but one boi muz volunteer to go to the gals grp...after a long monitor..a very gdgd guy..raised his hand..woah!!shoo gd siax...haix...


Saturday, January 22, 2005

goody good day

Todae was a fine day. sky was blue wif a strong wind. Howling from morning till nightfalls.

todae's 7.30pm show gdgd... of jokes

the best part was when a person was frozen wif a dog also frozen bside crash into pieces of ices. n as it was near the fireplace, it melt n followed the exterminator!!!they turn into liquid n join bak again. Turning bak into a human, but wif head of half dog n half man...shooo cute!!!


wasn't much to say...heehee...signing off!!

Friday, January 21, 2005

HaRi RaYa HaJi


Just wanna wish all the malay students hari raya haji.

May god bless=)

Thought of visiting pri skool...but then everyday the time table shoo late then go hme...=(...cannot find a gd time to visit...unless on occasions..sighx
wish to go bak skool as soon as possible

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Sec skool life n pri skool life


Sec skool is shoo different from pri skool. We hav to change classes each lesson. Very boring de lorhx, also wasting time. Whereas pri skool juz onli need to wait for the teacher. So relaxing. Sometimes we late will get scolding. Then if we nvr lined up properly also kena scolded...haha...

Pri skool's sub very ez de lorhx, sec skool very confusing de. beri hard...but still can cope..sommore everyday play comp...haha=)...Realli miss pri skool. Reali wish to go bak but onli can go bak on he day which im free...but then usually everyday not either cannot go or came hme from skool too late...sianx...

Realli wish to c my frenz again..someday...
we will meet
the sooner
the better


Friday, January 14, 2005


sighx...don't know wat cca to join lehz, ANI IDEAS?!?!hmm...todae walk round the whole skool, alone, shoo shiok...while i was walking very fast to avoid being caught, suddenly a girl juz pull my shirt, n drag me along. If i struggle very the no manner mahx...shoo no choice lorhx, followed her. She walk one big round the whole skool instead of using the shorter way. Probably she think i too shuai, want to accompany me =)haha...then after that,surrounded by a few guys in a corner, then i faster push n ran away, lucky sehx..then arhx, i went to boy's brigade. Tok shoo much crap. dnt want to let me go, (think im too shuai=))...they dnt want let me go de lorhx...keep xplaining n looking at me..haix...=)haha...
Before i went for the orientation, i went to j8 with putri WuLaNdArI...she arhx...guang jie n guang jie...guang n till i zhuang qiang...haha
then met eileen, her hair arhx...looks like...common sense...its .... hahahaha...then ate mcdonald...bai chi..went all the way der to eat mc...haix..tot of eating food court...much nicer...bcoz me seldom eat food court things..haha..onli cook or western...sianx...
i would consider npcc or ncc...but my bro say ncc everyday march lorhx...very boring..shoo he call me join npcc...i think shuld b ok lorhx...haix..haha...

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

BoRiNg DaY

Todae was a long day. Also means tiring, of course...So many projects to be done, long, boring, projects. Really wish that the projects can b more interesting. Todae i also went to my friends house to do some projectwork. Heard the word project i want to faint liaox. Damn silly project. And me n my team members did it so fast that i think it wasn't satisfactory enough. Even though it wasn't satisfactory, but we are still 'proud'...(maybe maybe not)...of course is bcause we did it, but i think thats a stupid reason. HAHA...My team memebrs got 1 shuai ge. Very shuai, very tall! i called him mr goat. Bcause his name is Yang something..(secret, ltr ppl tackle him)...haha...he also like xiao bai lian xiao bai lian that kind of guy lahx...shoo much more handsome than me shoo sad..all the girls goes to him le...sobx!..lolx..joking..

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


Opening ceremony...=P

Thankiew for joining...just testing out some things..=)

Very warm welcome to everyone=)