Saturday, January 15, 2005

Sec skool life n pri skool life


Sec skool is shoo different from pri skool. We hav to change classes each lesson. Very boring de lorhx, also wasting time. Whereas pri skool juz onli need to wait for the teacher. So relaxing. Sometimes we late will get scolding. Then if we nvr lined up properly also kena scolded...haha...

Pri skool's sub very ez de lorhx, sec skool very confusing de. beri hard...but still can cope..sommore everyday play comp...haha=)...Realli miss pri skool. Reali wish to go bak but onli can go bak on he day which im free...but then usually everyday not either cannot go or came hme from skool too late...sianx...

Realli wish to c my frenz again..someday...
we will meet
the sooner
the better


1 comment:

meixuan said...

lolz.. meixuan here larhx... euu wil get to the life in sec sch sooner or later de lorz... euu stil hav 3 mre yrs to go marhx... budden... erm.. if can.. dun go online so often larhx.. concentrate on studies lorz.. cuz lotx of sub is the 1st yr u taking.. tts all le barz.. take care! cum bac soon!