Saturday, April 02, 2005

time realli flysssss

wow!even time flys so fast, its even faster than the fastest animal or things in the world!wow..its been a few weeks or mnth since i last updated...ha
well, todae wasn't quite a bad day after all...hmm, quite fun lahx...onli kept playing gb sianx lorhx, same game every time..haa..aniwae, yester very funny...after my npcc, my bro came wif my cousin...didn't expect my cousin to come at all...miracle..haam, then she asked me who is isabella..(my frenz, sms de)...she curious, so i told her...then she n my bro go tok to her lorhx!!!then her frenz shield her, says tat she is isabella...then the reali isabella hide..haha..lolx, my bro n cousin say the frenz like Ah Bao,...ah bao n brandy...singer? or wadeva...haha...then kept playing wif them..tok crap...then wen going hme, wen car pass them, cousin will shout.."byebye isabella"...wah lan...lame siax...very malu...hope no rumours lorhx..n as if i like her like tat...lame siax..grrr

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