Wednesday, September 12, 2007


some are fucking bullshit, but some are juz too good and close to you.
as i know, none of my friends will be reading this blog, so, im free to say wadeva i want.
i dnt know how to start it, but i have a gd frenz, from sec 1 till now. his attitude, character was much much more acceptable than now. thats because, all his actions, and his foul mouth are juz a piece of shit now for wat i can say.
he, was a guy who WAS respected by me during my past 2 years, his attitude was of average, but juz tat a lil too dependant on ppl. he always wants others to accompany him, but he doesn't likes to accompany others in return.. wat a selfish guy..but every person has their flaws, so i closed an eye. he was a person full of humour, but nvr use the jokes to criticize others.

for now i juz couldn't think of animore gd points of him, coz now he sucks..
in this sec 3 life, he turned into an inhorrigible bastard. he doesn't care abt others, he onli care abt himself--his joy, his freedom, his time, his wadeva sht.. he shows no respect to others, neither to his friends, and i guess not to himself either. he is no difference from a speaking and disrespectful devil. oh well, devil is much better than him.. at least devil has 2 horns which made it looks much more handsome.. He too shed his responsibility, and depends on others to do it for him.. a boss? bullshit, juz a tiny lil ant who is easily crushed to death. he onli dare other ppl to do things, but he himself, doesn't have the guts, to do wadeva he was told to.
enuff of bullshtting, coming to the real point, he possessed such bad attitude n charac, and now he is beginning to irritates me more n more. i asked him to do smth, he fucking give me bak nth. and he thinks tat the problems lies wif others and not him, and he started hating others before we even hate him. i dnt know what the hell is he thinking abt, he is juz so inhuman? pushing the blame bak to us, when he himself dnt give a fucking care.. and worse still, he is complaining ALOT.. haish, my tolerance has juz met its limit, one day.. juz one day.. i will.....

nvm, i know i shldn't be venting my anger on my post, which reflects badly on me =D, but who cares, no one's reading this blog ^^
oh yea.. i juz felt a slight tremor juz now, earthquake? lols.. alot muz have felt it,..

now, coming to gd frenz, those that are golden to u..
I had 2 frenz in pri sch since pri 1.. till now, i can rmb how we passed our pri sch life, our boring life.. hahas.. but the time we spent tgt, gave me a special memory, special to me.. only. only ur gd frenz will give you such 'special' things in life. and is ONLY dedicated to you, and kept by you.. gd frenz, i doesn't need to go into details, coz i bet everyone has his/her gd frenz.. if you doesn't have, then, observe your surroudings, accept more ppl, and smile more
(Don't b like me, 'an xiao', 'am chiuo', luff secretly, is wat ppl always says abt me)
hahas, have an everlasting smile, but then i juz couldn't do tat though.. =( zz

yes, and the 3 party shall be the BGR or you life partner. they are still your frenz, no matter wat u think, until u ehem... yea.. marry but not divorce..
(i have no exp on tat, so isn't a need for me to say abt this =D. see, im such a gd boy...)

Friends, do look out for them, and don't miss out your chance.
Friends, do correct their mistakes if they are wrong, and give them chances.
Friends, ensure that you are mixed with those who you are able to communicate well with, it doesn't apply to bad companies (because bad companies do have their good points too).
Friends, are the most important life-form on Earth for you.
Friends, you need them the most.
Friends, be a friend of others, and do keep them as close to you as possible.
Friends, do not miss them out.
Friends, is your life..

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