Sunday, September 09, 2007


hmm? what should i say..
6months has past uh, but frankly im not into blogging..but duh.. im bored.. no choice i guess?
but smth i have been pondering abt since elton asked me, what is my hobby?
my hobby..? computer? slp & eat?..
oh nah.. i juz realised i doesn't have one.. i suddenly felt, "uh, im such a failure.."
hobby to him is what he do when he's bored.
but to me.. it is only some things we do everyday unknowingly? i guess im wrong.. i should start finding myself one, and the thing is.. do i have anithing to put in mind? or rather even if i have, do i have the determination to carry my hobby or juz let it rot after a few weeks? now its like cca n school work.. wow.. bz life eh..
the competition in this world is getting 'worse' in a good way, but then brought us competitor so much stress uh..
ppl has been saying.. "youth is one's golden period', but guess wat? the competition is dragging us further away or rather stealing our youth away.. we couldn't realli enjoy wat was meant to be, can we?i guess tats what makes ppl think life is meaningless.. onli until they look upon their correct paths, do the things they ought to be, being positive, and not get defeated so easily.. and not get too much of responsibility?
life is short..we shld enjoy ourselves..but of coz, if we doesn't compete or takes up responsibility, how can we possibly get a taste or real life and things like those.. or rather if everyone sheds their responsibility, we wldn't be living in wat we are..
rite.. full of craps..
bak to hobby.. yea.. maybe i shld find myself one ASAP to get rid of my boredom.. everyday complaining abt being bored.. y not look at it myself, and try to solve it..i suddenly felt me myself v stupid.. perhaps too dependant???
hahas. anw. sch life sucks.. cca cca cca.. their expectations getting higher n higher.. and i dnt understand, they themselve couldn't do tat at that age, y are they expecting so much from us?even if they were to go bak into time, i dnt think they are able to do what we r doing now.. bcoz they are too immature! why? tats bcoz how can they possibly ask us to adapt to a new environment so quickly, we are not those 'adapting freaks', or not those 'smart/hardowrking ppl'.. i may not have the guts to say it directly into their face.. but tats wat im thinking..

but then again.. if i dnt have the guts.. i shldn't b complaining. haish.. so be it bah..let my youth goes by, realli 'enjoying' it.. yea... i love what the world has become...
and anw.. thanks elton! =D

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