Sunday, September 16, 2007


This feeling, is actually what we human always abuse it, and regret we didn't realli use our chance to enjoy it fully, or make use of it fully.
There have been times, where i regret why haven't i enjoy that moment as much as possible
There have been times, where i missed the v day where i enjoyed myself v much
There have been times, where i wished to go back to time and change the past
There have been times, where i hoped things could have been done correctly
There have been times, where i'm grateful to what i have been given
There have been times, where i did not feel thankful for what i have

There are what appreciation comes about. There may be good, here may be bad. But usually ppl use it or felt it in the 'negative' ways. Regret, missed, wished, hoped, these are the few examples what ppl felt when they enjoyed themselves v much during this moment and wished to enter the time machine, and also these are times where they felt they could have done to change their life now.
I felt this way alot of times. For example, going for OBS, i really missed the time we spent as a group over there, singing the songs, doing the work tgt, sweating tgt, encouraging each other, slping tgt, bathing tgt, toknig to one another as well!
And also i regretted and wished to amend my doings back then 1 yr ago. But then, i didn't realli felt too regretful either. Bcoz, i felt tat i did the right thing in telling the truth, its no point if one keeps a secret from each other when you felt that he/she is trustable.
I also experienced ppl who doesn't know how to appreciate the things given to them. for example, ytd, my friend actually spent $3.60 on 2 1.5l bottle for everyone to drink--about 59 ppl. U may think its not enuff, but, most of them didn't want to drink, nvm.. but they actually played wif the drink. how? pouring away the water, wasting resource is one thing, but another, he/she doesn't knows how to appreciate one's thought. ppl have been saying, 'its the thoughts tat counts', yea, but when we were given that, we did not c it that directly tho. Whereas in other occasions, when you felt he/she deserved to give at laest the 'thoughts' to you, onli then u realised it. its juz tat, human doesn't know when to appreciate, or how to appreciate things given to them, until they learnt a lesson.
how? looking at those ppl in india, africa, (no offense), they are v poor, they cannot even afford ani food n drink, and yet we are wasting here. Its indeed irritating to hear everyone saying this. but its the truth, we can't hide away from it! I realli wished that everyone appreciates what is given to them, and what they have now. I may not be a perfect 'appreciating' person, but at least i know how to appreciate others, the things i have, whateva im doing or living now.
Appreciation, is one of the most scariest weapons, it may spark off a fire too...

But appreciation, u cannot leave without it. Once without it, you are all alone and bored. y? no appreciation-->disrespects to others-->others keep a distance from you-->lonely-->bored-->no life-->might as well die!
Its juz chain, everything we have in life, are all inter-chains. Even we have to live without luxuries, i still thinks tat appreciation still occurs, and a need to be present in this world of ours.
Thus, i really hope whoever/passerbys to realli appreciate ALL the things u have now, especially your family, your friends, your desk, your toilets, and even toilet paper! realli realli juz spend a couple of minutes, think of it, think what you have done, there is still time to correct or amend it if u have the determination. believe me, n believe in yourself, you can do it!

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