Saturday, September 22, 2007


Exams are coming. oh man, ****,***
hahas, nah exams are fun.
Singapore is a country where it is democratic and equality. i guess tat also implies tat 'forcing someone' is considered 'illegal' rite? yea..
i agree, but guess wat, we are all stupid ppl and we have no guts to stand for wat we think. Exams, aren't they juz forcing us to revise things tat we have learnt? Isn't it juz another way of indirect forcing? yea.. we have no guts.
Only those who ahve dropped out of school are the one wif guts. y? some, may juz b hiding somewhere in the dark streets enlightening himself wif greater knowledge. but of coz some....ya..u know.hahas.. These people are actually the one who are 'smart' in a way. (of course, most of the are actually the dumbest.. opps=x, no offense).
Exams, they are juz some pieces of paper trying to dig out everything u have in mind. why? juz to brighten ur future. But why our future is like this? tats bcoz we the humans who are so selfish that we wanna have all the priveleges to ourselves that we can even harm the Earth and living animals who our own sake! Ytd i have geog lessons, my teacher who loves geography and the Earth so much that she has been saying why we selfish humans are doing such tings to earth, chopping down the trees,clearing forests for our comfort. Yeah, u may think she's juz saying crap and not doing it herself. But it is everyone's responsible to at least think abt it, think abt what we do everyday tat affects the environment and our daily lives. Do we like to live in an uncomfortable space where cockroaches crawl all over ur bodies, ants biting u. Obviously no! but what abt other animals that we have done this to them.. (opps=x, it seems im venting on the blog, even tho im not angry.. tsk)
yea.. i juz think humans are juz so selfish, how i wish to change the Earth, but what can 1 person do? so i juz live on wif it.
man.. this is wat ppl usually thinks, but of course i think this way too. bcoz im juz tiny lil person who can't do anithing big. i juz wish those ppl who have the rights actually have some common sense in them and do the right things @_@
humans, are juz another animal. we shouldn't b so selfish, instead we muz share our comfort wif other animals. Therefore, do not harm the other animals =DDD

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

nah, feeling v bored nowadays. i got no mood to mug at all.. hahas, lazy bah
then my memory also lan diao alreadi. all my formulas all forgotthen.. hahas also no mood to write anithing
sian lah, hw piling liaos, c how first bah~, wait till exams finish @_@
(piling=accumulating after several days=nvr do finish hw[coz dateline not due yet=)] )

Sunday, September 16, 2007


This feeling, is actually what we human always abuse it, and regret we didn't realli use our chance to enjoy it fully, or make use of it fully.
There have been times, where i regret why haven't i enjoy that moment as much as possible
There have been times, where i missed the v day where i enjoyed myself v much
There have been times, where i wished to go back to time and change the past
There have been times, where i hoped things could have been done correctly
There have been times, where i'm grateful to what i have been given
There have been times, where i did not feel thankful for what i have

There are what appreciation comes about. There may be good, here may be bad. But usually ppl use it or felt it in the 'negative' ways. Regret, missed, wished, hoped, these are the few examples what ppl felt when they enjoyed themselves v much during this moment and wished to enter the time machine, and also these are times where they felt they could have done to change their life now.
I felt this way alot of times. For example, going for OBS, i really missed the time we spent as a group over there, singing the songs, doing the work tgt, sweating tgt, encouraging each other, slping tgt, bathing tgt, toknig to one another as well!
And also i regretted and wished to amend my doings back then 1 yr ago. But then, i didn't realli felt too regretful either. Bcoz, i felt tat i did the right thing in telling the truth, its no point if one keeps a secret from each other when you felt that he/she is trustable.
I also experienced ppl who doesn't know how to appreciate the things given to them. for example, ytd, my friend actually spent $3.60 on 2 1.5l bottle for everyone to drink--about 59 ppl. U may think its not enuff, but, most of them didn't want to drink, nvm.. but they actually played wif the drink. how? pouring away the water, wasting resource is one thing, but another, he/she doesn't knows how to appreciate one's thought. ppl have been saying, 'its the thoughts tat counts', yea, but when we were given that, we did not c it that directly tho. Whereas in other occasions, when you felt he/she deserved to give at laest the 'thoughts' to you, onli then u realised it. its juz tat, human doesn't know when to appreciate, or how to appreciate things given to them, until they learnt a lesson.
how? looking at those ppl in india, africa, (no offense), they are v poor, they cannot even afford ani food n drink, and yet we are wasting here. Its indeed irritating to hear everyone saying this. but its the truth, we can't hide away from it! I realli wished that everyone appreciates what is given to them, and what they have now. I may not be a perfect 'appreciating' person, but at least i know how to appreciate others, the things i have, whateva im doing or living now.
Appreciation, is one of the most scariest weapons, it may spark off a fire too...

But appreciation, u cannot leave without it. Once without it, you are all alone and bored. y? no appreciation-->disrespects to others-->others keep a distance from you-->lonely-->bored-->no life-->might as well die!
Its juz chain, everything we have in life, are all inter-chains. Even we have to live without luxuries, i still thinks tat appreciation still occurs, and a need to be present in this world of ours.
Thus, i really hope whoever/passerbys to realli appreciate ALL the things u have now, especially your family, your friends, your desk, your toilets, and even toilet paper! realli realli juz spend a couple of minutes, think of it, think what you have done, there is still time to correct or amend it if u have the determination. believe me, n believe in yourself, you can do it!

Friday, September 14, 2007

oh man, i have forgotten wat topic i wanna wrote on.. argh. im juz being stm-ed this few days.
stm--short-termed memory
this week was an unlucky week for me. Tuesday i forgot to bring 3 textbooks to sch, thurs, i forgot bring hw to sch, and wadeva i had in mind juz disappear in every subsequent event during these days, and todae, forget to bring hw again! and almost forgot to pass down a reminder to my friends.. zz
stm, ppl usually relates it to someone who is overly stressed, thus forgetting things. (Thats my opinion..)
but the irony is, im not even stress at all. perhaps im juz thinking abt my exams, and i haven started revising yet.. (opps =x)
stm, is also known for ppl wif over-piling things to do, 'big boss'. Afterall, i have been v stress before, but not to an extend tat i felt im a failure? yes, ppl was joking arnd me pulling my hair off my head when im stress. I dnt know, i juz felt my head itchy when im thinking v hard. And the cause of the joking incident was an accidental pull of my hair, tat a handful was 'plucked' out.
you know, ppl have been saying tat when u r stress, ur hair will drop or turn white. I then visualise the process, stress juice secrets from ur brain. diffuse thru ur skull, then moves up ur hair from the root hair. then slowly destroy ur hair colour pigments, decolourising them, turning them to white. and the it corrodes the roots of the hair, allowing it to b plucked off easily or fall off eventually. hahas..(yeah.. im bored..)
oh man.. im v bored.. sighs..
perhaps boredom --> stm..!!
hahs, so true.. =D

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


some are fucking bullshit, but some are juz too good and close to you.
as i know, none of my friends will be reading this blog, so, im free to say wadeva i want.
i dnt know how to start it, but i have a gd frenz, from sec 1 till now. his attitude, character was much much more acceptable than now. thats because, all his actions, and his foul mouth are juz a piece of shit now for wat i can say.
he, was a guy who WAS respected by me during my past 2 years, his attitude was of average, but juz tat a lil too dependant on ppl. he always wants others to accompany him, but he doesn't likes to accompany others in return.. wat a selfish guy..but every person has their flaws, so i closed an eye. he was a person full of humour, but nvr use the jokes to criticize others.

for now i juz couldn't think of animore gd points of him, coz now he sucks..
in this sec 3 life, he turned into an inhorrigible bastard. he doesn't care abt others, he onli care abt himself--his joy, his freedom, his time, his wadeva sht.. he shows no respect to others, neither to his friends, and i guess not to himself either. he is no difference from a speaking and disrespectful devil. oh well, devil is much better than him.. at least devil has 2 horns which made it looks much more handsome.. He too shed his responsibility, and depends on others to do it for him.. a boss? bullshit, juz a tiny lil ant who is easily crushed to death. he onli dare other ppl to do things, but he himself, doesn't have the guts, to do wadeva he was told to.
enuff of bullshtting, coming to the real point, he possessed such bad attitude n charac, and now he is beginning to irritates me more n more. i asked him to do smth, he fucking give me bak nth. and he thinks tat the problems lies wif others and not him, and he started hating others before we even hate him. i dnt know what the hell is he thinking abt, he is juz so inhuman? pushing the blame bak to us, when he himself dnt give a fucking care.. and worse still, he is complaining ALOT.. haish, my tolerance has juz met its limit, one day.. juz one day.. i will.....

nvm, i know i shldn't be venting my anger on my post, which reflects badly on me =D, but who cares, no one's reading this blog ^^
oh yea.. i juz felt a slight tremor juz now, earthquake? lols.. alot muz have felt it,..

now, coming to gd frenz, those that are golden to u..
I had 2 frenz in pri sch since pri 1.. till now, i can rmb how we passed our pri sch life, our boring life.. hahas.. but the time we spent tgt, gave me a special memory, special to me.. only. only ur gd frenz will give you such 'special' things in life. and is ONLY dedicated to you, and kept by you.. gd frenz, i doesn't need to go into details, coz i bet everyone has his/her gd frenz.. if you doesn't have, then, observe your surroudings, accept more ppl, and smile more
(Don't b like me, 'an xiao', 'am chiuo', luff secretly, is wat ppl always says abt me)
hahas, have an everlasting smile, but then i juz couldn't do tat though.. =( zz

yes, and the 3 party shall be the BGR or you life partner. they are still your frenz, no matter wat u think, until u ehem... yea.. marry but not divorce..
(i have no exp on tat, so isn't a need for me to say abt this =D. see, im such a gd boy...)

Friends, do look out for them, and don't miss out your chance.
Friends, do correct their mistakes if they are wrong, and give them chances.
Friends, ensure that you are mixed with those who you are able to communicate well with, it doesn't apply to bad companies (because bad companies do have their good points too).
Friends, are the most important life-form on Earth for you.
Friends, you need them the most.
Friends, be a friend of others, and do keep them as close to you as possible.
Friends, do not miss them out.
Friends, is your life..

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


woots, i failed my abc!! my friend and i were toking abt some questions during lesson time,,, (opps =x), and this was what i found most interesting. It looks pretty normal, nth wrong, but its v obvious. I think this question shld b v common, but then, maybe im juz a frog in the well to know it now? hahas..
my friends got alot of questions under their sleeves also, but i got none? unless u want those lame lame lame, until u can shiver and no one understands it. =D..
and one of my pervertic friend cr8ed this..

b l o C u s e

its cool, hahas. want the ans, nah, i wnt post..
and one last one which i remembered...

C b
T e
O s
R t

and guess what is this? Best _______ Actor.. hahas..
I guess friends make our lives fruitful and enjoyable, pay close to ur surrounding friends, they the roots of ur life, do not lose them... no matter what..

Monday, September 10, 2007

bored again? yea.. maybe..
its pretty cool to blog and talk to myself.. esp when no one is reading =D
i can say wadeva i want, and no one cares.. hehes, unless 'passer-bys'...
yea, lately the trend of slashing oneself has gone. woots, even though there may still be ppl doing so, but it isn't as popular as it was awhile ago.
rumours being spread around saying who n who is acting emo, slashing his/her own wrist, and being a bold donator..
Are ppl getting crazy? or what i said tat life sucks.. nah.. life doesn't suck, is thsoe who doesn't know how to look upon life sucks. Life, is for that particular person, with tat particular mind to live. I have been wondering, why m i given this mind, this body.. i tried imaginating being in other ppl's view, or rather try to be that person, possessing that person's brain and look at the world.. Its pretty hard unless u know that person v well..
it may be childish, but i found it v amazing that when u stand in others' view, u look upon urself as another person. You are not who you are, but yet you are looking at who you are. I also tried thinking in others' persperctive points of view during the 'possession'. ppl may think tat im a withch? ghost? or wadeva spirit possesser, but it realli is cool. you can attain knowledge you doesn't know, but the again, do not do it too often as youth's visual imagination may leads to harmful effects as well =D for know i know ya... hahas
besides 'possessing' ur frenz, u may try being an adult.. working lives, and exhaustion from work, housework... man, sometimes u find ur life rather relaxing. Of course, the life we knew now, will never be, what we call 'relaxing'..
but so? at least i tried.. hahas. trying has no harm, unless u overdo it =D
let me guss, 'putting yourself in other ppl's shoe', this phrase may juz arouse from our 'possession'.
so sometimes, do try to 'put yourself in other ppl's shoe', or in a weird way, 'possession'.. hahas..

Sunday, September 09, 2007


hmm? what should i say..
6months has past uh, but frankly im not into blogging..but duh.. im bored.. no choice i guess?
but smth i have been pondering abt since elton asked me, what is my hobby?
my hobby..? computer? slp & eat?..
oh nah.. i juz realised i doesn't have one.. i suddenly felt, "uh, im such a failure.."
hobby to him is what he do when he's bored.
but to me.. it is only some things we do everyday unknowingly? i guess im wrong.. i should start finding myself one, and the thing is.. do i have anithing to put in mind? or rather even if i have, do i have the determination to carry my hobby or juz let it rot after a few weeks? now its like cca n school work.. wow.. bz life eh..
the competition in this world is getting 'worse' in a good way, but then brought us competitor so much stress uh..
ppl has been saying.. "youth is one's golden period', but guess wat? the competition is dragging us further away or rather stealing our youth away.. we couldn't realli enjoy wat was meant to be, can we?i guess tats what makes ppl think life is meaningless.. onli until they look upon their correct paths, do the things they ought to be, being positive, and not get defeated so easily.. and not get too much of responsibility?
life is short..we shld enjoy ourselves..but of coz, if we doesn't compete or takes up responsibility, how can we possibly get a taste or real life and things like those.. or rather if everyone sheds their responsibility, we wldn't be living in wat we are..
rite.. full of craps..
bak to hobby.. yea.. maybe i shld find myself one ASAP to get rid of my boredom.. everyday complaining abt being bored.. y not look at it myself, and try to solve it..i suddenly felt me myself v stupid.. perhaps too dependant???
hahas. anw. sch life sucks.. cca cca cca.. their expectations getting higher n higher.. and i dnt understand, they themselve couldn't do tat at that age, y are they expecting so much from us?even if they were to go bak into time, i dnt think they are able to do what we r doing now.. bcoz they are too immature! why? tats bcoz how can they possibly ask us to adapt to a new environment so quickly, we are not those 'adapting freaks', or not those 'smart/hardowrking ppl'.. i may not have the guts to say it directly into their face.. but tats wat im thinking..

but then again.. if i dnt have the guts.. i shldn't b complaining. haish.. so be it bah..let my youth goes by, realli 'enjoying' it.. yea... i love what the world has become...
and anw.. thanks elton! =D