Monday, October 09, 2006

a very 'great' frenz of mine gave me a very 'great' quiz for me to do

1.single, taken or crushing?single?? hehes.. im guai kia.. summore i dnt want to lose to the bet which had gone for 2yrs?? 2 n a half?? hahas..

2.are you happy with your life now? as in now?
Why wldn't i b?? my heart did not break, im still a proper human.. n im not a cripple ><

3.when you meet the right person, do you fall in love with him fast?
for goodness sake. im a boy.. but if its a she, depends on her character bah.. =)

4.have you ever had your heart broken?
How can a heart be broken?? it can onli b hurt?? =)) you believe there are some circumstances where cheating love is acceptable?
I guess wat ever everyone does has their own reason....

6.would you take someone back if he cheats on you?
It will depend on whether i like that person or not.. hahas.. =))

7.have you ever talk about marriage with another before
No, I AM TOO YOUNG FOR MARRIAGE!! you want children?
Children?? yea maybe.. they are cute aren't they? many?
1-2? not too much.. need $$$. wahahas..

10.would you consider adoption?
Huh, hormones in me changed huh? i became a girl which can be pregnant and go for abortion?? or the techonology is so high that abortion is available for men??

11.if someone likes you right now, what do you think is the best way to let you know his feelings?
MSN??? SMS?? FACE TO FACE??. (nah.. i will shy shy de.. tsktsk).. hahas.. you enjoy getting into relationship?
Depend on the opposite sex.. hahas.. honest, what is the furthest you and your ex did?
I have no ex.. ><.. im pure.. =)) you believe in love first sight?
yes mayb.. no maybe.. so yes-no??. hahas

15.Are you romantic?
U ask me? i ask who.. i also dnt flirt wif myself..

16. Do you believe you can change someone?
Yes i believe.. but it will also have to depend on that person whether he/she is willing to change wif my help...

17. if you could be married somewhere, where would it be?
Anywhere? somewhere pretty n memorable??? you easily give in when you are fighting?
It will ahve to depend.. when u have to b harsh.. u have to.. and it also depends on the opponent..
(especially joshua.. fight wif him will vomit blood one.. muz b dam dam harsh. wakakaka.. that f....) you have feelings for someone right now?
Yesh? my father my mother my brother?? my frenz? .. well.. everyone =) except a few tho.. hahas.

20.have you ever wished that you could have had someone but you messed it up?
Hehes.. yeah.. but who cares?? not my fault anw..

21.have you ever broken a heart?
Once again.. heart cannot b broken.. it can onli be yesh? i dnt know.. i dnt bother..bcoz i know how it feels.. wahahas...

22.if one day your best friend fall in love with the girl/boy you deeply in love with, what would you do?
Hahas.. pretend i dnt know?? depend on the gal?? also depend on my frenz.. hahahas.

23.are you missing someone now?
Yeah.. im missing everyone now and then.. im dirty minded.. wakaka...

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