Friday, October 13, 2006

its been a long time since i post.. hahahas
yea.. exams over le.. now left post exams activities which r think r more terrible than exams..
afterall i still prefer exams over post activities.. they r lame..
cca also resuming le.. hahahas, cannot go home slp..
then ytd went out wif np de, went to buy ropes...
white?i dnt mind them getting yellowish or dirty, its just tat it will look nicer and easier to c.
yi ge liang ge all gave the decision to me, like tat i make wrong decision very cham one leh ><...
hahas, then keep calling ....., think very funny like tat. i dnt want to be lorh, let da jie da be. hehes..
yea.. then todae come school.. 'bra' (tats wat jiahua calls him), bring a plastic bags, inside so mani papers.. so i call him cher, bcoz the bag of paper was like those exams revision worksheets brought by teachers to give to their students.. wkaakak
then in class, classm8s all went crazy. no teacher then anihow run jump tok shout liaos.. bth.. cannot control them duh...
as usual.. there will be some gals to corect my PRONUNCIATIONs of 'class', which i think they heard me shouting 'glass'...
rite.. glass lah, bang lah.. smash lah.. then i die lah.. tou po xue liu go hosp kill by doc in the ambulance by needles..
todae also got bak our geog results.. very sad.. 1 mark mroe lorh.. kan sai.. 2marks will b even better tho.
ya lah. say me hao lian, i sit there diam diam.. nvr tok.. u say i hao lian.. i tok means i more hao lian liao lorh.. i let u all say lorh.. if i tok bak sure boom at me de lorh.. still say me... ALL BADIES..
hahahas.. badies still gd frenz lah.. still my DAR DAR.. n my JIA JIA LIANG TEH..
then hor... cher say hcl paper.. say tat it might affect my streaming..
woot.. is she trying to hint me smth?want say i did badly then say lorh.. dnt need hint me de.. tats even worst ><..
i will have a deeper impression n memory on that.. duh...
hahahas.. so sad lorh.. muz pray pray liaos.. hahahas~
then reach hme, read an email.. the email says blah blah...write watever names then nos. then songs.. since i was bored.. so i go try try.. hahahahas...
then my first instinct or rather the first person whom i tot was jiejie cat.. then its like wtf?.. jiejie? the continuation was tat the person is to b my lover.. ya rite..?!.. can't b one lorh...
yi jian zhong qin?? hahaas.. crapzz...
yea.. so bored..
audi cannot play.. dnt know wat they doing.. crazzy de...
want koon half liaos.. hehes...


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