Thursday, July 20, 2006

history heritage tour

ytd went for history heritage tour..but sadly ytd too mani hw muz cannot psot..
hmm.ytd field trip was rather fun..went to changi museum, and kranji memorial...
changi museum got mani mani pics pics, got chio bu (old lady, 66 yr old, fought for the country during world war 2 and survived), and shuai ge (mighty prisoner of wars went to build death railway)..hahas...
walk around then saw alot of history during japanese occupation. there was also a chapel which was build as to show wat it looks like during the olden days. one is out-door chapel. there was a donation box at where the priest stands. then mwe and my frwen drop a few coins inside..hehes..but looking at the so eeriee..
hmm..then went to bus le..bought nth..dnt wanna waste $$$..
in the bus, the air-con fan was high...but i love it...even though im shivering in there...
my partner dnt want air-con, so both blew on me..wee~..then my hand like ice..hotter than ice..hehes..then after a while, my hand is like numb...after a while, we reached the 'monster cannon', built by the prince of england i think...the diameter of the cannon is 15inch, and the length i dnt know, but very long..
after we got down from the first thing touch my frenz wif my cold hands...then my partner will like eww...and run away...then notti notti me go scare gals..=X...
then we went to the cannon missile or wadeva it is huge, 800kg leh..sumore almost as tall as me..='( so short..sobx..
Then we headed our way to kranji. WAH~, so mani tombs...
of coz again, i have cold hands!..
the tour guide introduced to us the tombs of a few heroes that died in the war. crosss staands for christian on their tomb stand..(???)...then i forgot why, we have had 1min of silent. bfore taht. i was playing my wif my cold hands. i touched one of my closer de she boom!~..she flew to the sky..jk...
she jumped. then i shaked her hands and her hand was like getting colder..hahas...then after shaking, my hand turned pro lorh...i got ru lai shen zhang. boom!~..wu zhi shan came out...jkjk...
my hand then became numb, no feelings at all...for abt 5mins, my hand still very cold..hahas...perhaps the weather also cold my hand also cold..gagaas...
then we went to a 16 yr old boy who died during the war while protecting our country. he was one of the youngest boy who protected our country. i forgot wats his name..but i know his tomb has PAPAYA on it...he shld b 60 yr old by now if he did not died. We got flower petals from the tourguide and was asked to give to the tomb of the 16 yr old boi. bcoz wannted more petals, i was the last guy..i took alot and bfore i reached the 16 yr old boi. i put around 3 petals on other tombs. each tomb i will say...'i like u, so i give u'..hehes...
then till the 16 yr old boi's tomb, i put erm 3 petals i of them was a leave if im not wrong...each flower i said a few things..
1st='wah, so pro'
2nd='i c u shiok, so i give u one more'
3rd='wah u so handsome.'
nvm...then we went to the wall panels which recorded all the soldiers that died for our countries. forgot how mani names were there le...but a few thousands...15k if im not wrong or 25k...
after introducing the heroes, we got 5mins free time. but of coz it was extended by our own accord to hor..
after visitng the wall panels, i went back to the 16 yr old boi's tomb. i look at the tomb and said..
'u so shuai, so pro...'
then one of my frenz, the one who flood my tagboard...isabella..asked me to say 'i love u' to the 16 yr old boi..
then i did..hehes..
i loved him...
as a hero of our country and as a uncle..hahas...
then we went to the tomb of one of the prime minister i think..and forgot wat the name of the hero's tombs..2 great heroes...mwe and my frenz playful, go salute them...then saw my frenz marching in the field..which the tombs were at...further away...
then mwe and my frenz went to joined them...marched to the end of the field, to return to the bus...then we returned back to skool...
then this morning..mwe hist teacher complain we so noisy and playful..opps..hehes..=/
we bad bad...

nvm...tml my atc camp le...sad sad le...
='(...will mwss de...hahas...
then sad sad, bag haven packed finish, not enuff pe shirts..^^...not enuff trackpants also..hahas.
torture camp bah..perhaps..heard so..hahas..
but returning on sun alot of hw muz b done bfore gg bah,..hahas..
if not monday tio scolding...

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