Monday, July 03, 2006

bowling? aasdfghhk;gds ^^

hehes..todae is syf hol for schools. me meet frenz frenz at 10pm, then go my dar dar (dar-yl) house to play play...then i late by 5mins bcoz of my couz..hahas..went to dar dar hse, saw his first he walk past like so shuai, but when he walk face us...ehem ehem...
then we stay there c dar play maple, then after he go toilet, me n elton play neopets!^^..childish hor^^but too bad lah,onli rmb tat game got 2 or more players game. we play until 11.45, then go span jon...jon, jom,spans..dnt know ani how spell.gees
late by 15mins leh.hahas, dar dar keep wanting to play neopets, hahas..then we reach bowling areana, played a few matches. then we also played stampede, then one of the person keep looking at us..(basically onli tat person there nia, bsides the counter), then sum of my frenz go hao lian diamond push-up, then the person scold them, hahas..bcoz diamond bad bad for wadeva, didn't heard. after 1 match, got 3 pei chun's gals came leh..wah, one wear pe, 2 wear uni..after they came for not a long time, me n elton keep staring at them,then we also act act walk to the fpood counter to buy drinks, then turn to look at them..hahas..the 2 unis gals is ehem ehem, but the pe one quite chio lah...hahas. then hor we from out seats we stare at how they bowl..actually not staring at how they bowl..but ehem ehem...bcoz under the light, the skirt too zhao geng...very obvious. like transparent like tat..tsk tsk..hehes..then before we go, they aasked elton, wat was our highest score. then he go there crap crap...zz..
then after we walked up the stairs to the lobby, suddenly we tot tat we can get the pe's phone no...elton was crapping away saying the gal not after a few mins of 'arguing', then me n my frenz jiayi, went dwn..hahas..then we actually wanted to just put ani no. n bluff my frenz, then i say dnt want i go to them n...
"excuse me, my frenz wants ur phone no., but he shy..."..then of coz they give...(i used my frenz's name, but actually ehem ehem...for more details plz tok to me...dnt want write..geees)
then we go prank call them, hhas...then i also msg them dar dar keep snatching my phone also, say craps..then we dnt let elton c, bcoz we want the girl to like elton mah..opps..hahas, then he angry angry...after tat went for lunch..
then carpark catching....
such a dangerous place, n they chose, but actually not so dangerous since its in the afternoon and not a public hols, cars weren't coming as fast as flowing water of coz, seldom seldom one or two cars. we hide bhind cars (ppl think we car theif)..hahas, then juz run arnd lvl 1 n 2 first..accidentally also went to 3..hahas..after that came one of elton's frenz, then we changed to 3,4,5, bcoz lesser cars so easier..hahas..
one of the game fun fun, i was the last person the needa catch, then shuai ge yang jing saw me...then i went to play arnd one of the pillars, he went to the left, i go right, then he go right i go left, but he shouted for since im gonna get caught juz pia out then he catch lorh..sad sad lah...
after tat, went to bbal..of coz i didn't play..i 'dnt like' bball.hhas..sorta dnt like n no energy anw..hahas, so c them paly awhile then go...then elton angry..bcoz i ps them, he want play, then i juz go home...but of coz he went home wif us together at the same its like very bad lorh..but its not gu yi gtg one lorh, its realli gtg one..if not reach very sad lorh..gees..
then on the bus, smsed the gal...hahas, the find her attitude like 'princess' like tat, very hiao and eww type...she sent one of the msg, she wrote 'kawaii hor'...dar dar c liaos...puke the gal too hiao liaos...n summore p6..hahas, too bad lorh, cnanot jio..tsktsk...(jk)

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