Tuesday, July 25, 2006


hahs..had camp last weekend..fri-sun (21-23)
so bored de camp..
its not the activity, not the CIs...is my grp..
my grp so dead de..so sian..not active de..onli sabo ppl, then they themselves doesn't want to do...
haish, still prefer beatty...all so active..
hmm..first day..of camp...
it was on a fri, after skool...
so i asked my father to bring my bag for me..after bringing to skool...i dnt dare bring into the canteen sia..-.-..hesitate for a long while then brought...
at 2.30, we assembled. and went onto the bus. creep was making me feel uncomfortable..hahas..
after reaching the jetty, then to pulau ubin,
we walked a long way to the campsite...for the first 30-45mins, we went the wrong way..realli realli off the course..hahass..
then after another 30mins we finalyl reached the campsite...the campsite was huge..very..hahas..
we pitched our tents according to our given nos...my tentm8s.,.WOOT de hack...2 person dnt know how to build.
1 person nvm..at least he cut the twine for us..the other one come kajiao us..wtf..so more so act..
think he saint andrew big like tat...
after building at a few places, there were rocks in the ground, we moved to mani places and finally settled at the bottom area of the tents. i peg till my middle finger has 3 blisters. 2 burst. now one if recovering, the other still bleeding through a needle-like hole in the middle of the blister. the third blister became brown and part of the skin is tearing off...
after tat we had dinner..1 maggie shared by 4 person..wtf...
eat 2-3 mouths??hahas.mwe frenz and i ate the same amount, then the other 2 ate alot..ffff sia..hahas....cursing after eating..
after tat we had ice-breakers which was stupid..the CI who is so shuai, but dnt know how to conduct well..sai sia...
then song session...hmm..pretty bored at first..but after everone participated,..it seems fun..
we got an 18clap rhythm, which follows by 18 taps on the ground..n oo ah ah ah ah ah ooo ah ah ahh ahh ahh ahh oo...something like tat..hahas..
then arnd 11-12..didn't know the time..we went to slp...lucky my grp first day no sentry duty.hahas..in the middle of the night, woke up at 1+. then slept, then woke again, then slept...continuously for a few times...then its morning..hahas..

had breakfast which was biscuits...
hmm....half a biscuit??!!, abit of milo..dilluted which was poured away....
then had games activity..which was so lame.i heard other ppl playing flour...so fun lorh...my activity water bomb...but the water bomb is to transport them from one palce to another and not play water bomb..wth..lol
then lunch..hmm..now we clever..we split...
mwe and my frenz brandon..shared a noodle...half half each..opened asrdine and baked beans. pineapple too shared among the grp.
hmm...after that had expedetion and ATF (adventure training facilities)
we walked a long way to hock swee or wadeva village..then tio pumped for being slow in movement and no efficiency..
then when gg bak..we paired up a guy and a girl..unlucky ones will hav 2 boys..hahas...
hmm..but i was one the lucky ones..got a girl..but shorter than me...
we tied shoelaces together and walked back all the way to the campsite...during the journeys, we couldn't coordinate our footsteps..it was hard..bcoz i walk a bigger step than her..so both of us muz control our steps..hahas...poor us..
then i go kajiao me frenz..i tried to trip them..since they were boy n boy..if they fall wldn't lose anithing ..hhas...
then they bao chou..walk bhind us..try to trip me and my partner..lucky nvr trip me.hahas..tripped my partner..she dam sad lorh...almost fall..but lucky her balance skill pro pro.hahas.
then i dnt dare put my hand by the side..if not sure touch sumwhere..-.-..but occasionally ehem...accidentally swing or trying to balance got touch abit..tsktsk...
after tat was atf...
one of the most sucky activity..fo the who\le activity..has 3 parts..i onli did one part!!..wtf..2 mazes, 1 cannon thingy..i did the easier mazes as we were brought there first and being the last grp..so we did practically nth..
then it was dinner..kool eh..now we cooked 2 packets of noodles...open 2 baked beans, 2sardines,1 or 2 curry chicken..hahas..pro hor...but not so pro..
my frenz opened 4 packets, used most of the rations,..then cnanot moved..hahas..

then it was finally the best of the camp..CAMPFIRE!
weee..so fun...sat bside my skool de frenz..gal..very gd to me de...very active..fun fun!..then we sang together and 2 idiots..shouting for all i care...n all i can hear are both our voices..bcoz we were sitting bside each other..couldn't realli hear others..hahas..
we sang alot of songs..2 songs which i like the most was a thousand legged worms, and friendship dance..it requires everyone to participate in the campfire..around the fire..hahas...dance around..fun!!
then my grp performance..hmm..
stand in a circle.
alaka tingi, alaka ting, (put hands on head), then..
ALAKA TINGI TINGI TINGI x2 (shake butt while singing)
then shoulder
then got other grp's performance..banana dance etc..but the best was the 'fever' dance..
i forget was it is..but its koool...
then the campfire was closed..sad..hahas...
went to slp which was abt 10.30-11...lights off at 11..
haas.slept beside a shuai ge who has watch.muahas...then at 2.30..went for sentry duty.!!
ewww, bad sentry...took 20 mins to find my grpm8s..all slping like pig..hahas...
hmm..then early in the morning le.. got stretching exercise first bfore breakfast..
we did honet drill, crunches...
got both sides of our shirts dirty...during the honet drill, i kissed the ground...n when i got up, i got leaf in my mouth..hahas...fun fun..
then breakfast...yea...2 biscuits cum milo powder..hahas...
then area cleaninng..worst of the camp..hahas...cleaned the tents, clean toilets...but my hand got blisters and burst..so pain..cannot squeeze clothe properly, cannot hold properly..hahs..but nvm..dnt care..
then while cleaning..met my p1 frenz..P1 ! leh..hahas..she still rmb me, i still rmb her..hahas..
after a long time..finally time to go home..
walked to jetty.and sang songs while walking...bfore reaching the jetty, we sung our ksool song!!
keep repeating..so lame.hahas..but so nice..hahs..got on the boat..and saw alot of my frenz tired out..hahas...me of coz tired..but i still prefer looking at the sea..
then we went to...KFC..YEA~
my frenz was tinking of mac bak in the camp..but had to chagned his mind bcoz mac occupied..hahas..
went home..slept for 1 and a half hr..gee...then at nite..has conference wif nessa and elton...(highlight??!!)..hhas...
luffing like mad, bro joined in..crap wif elton..
then mum joined in..crap wif both of them also.. making the pig snoring sound..hahas...
but afterall..the camp was fun..but it wasn't due to my grp..DEAD GROUP..

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