Monday, July 31, 2006

hehs..tml got dry shoot...hmm...
half scared half happy bah..
scared because i forgotten most of the steps..happy because i get to fire real air bullets...
was thinking it b fun..or wld it b scoldings....wld there b ani mishaps..or everything will go smoothly..hahas..perhaps...or rather..or its best to..that every is smooth..
early in the the responsiblity to open the cca room and let the others to put their np
but then the consent form stated tat we shld leave at 1.45..but we have got assembly...i wonder how..hahas....and i guess we must have had our lunch even bfore tat....but no excuse letter given yet..??
nvm...forget abt it..but anw..some of my squadm8s..who did not attend MOST of the parades..actually called me todae or rather juz now..asking can i go for the shoot...omg..they dnt even care abt norm parades, nor the dry practises...n now she expecting every thing to be ready for her...
omgs...this type of ppl...shou zhu dai tu..onli wait for things to come..when things happen to others...she wil b so jealous..but tats wat others have worked for...argh..can't stand..

hehs...then toking to wencong...ness cute n lame at first..but in the end...argh..can;t stand it...

he actually scolded me slowpoke...omg...his attitude..nvm..i joke wif him..i prefer slowking..nvm..i ren..give him face..

nvm...but it was kool lah..hahas..having someone to crap wif for 30mins..haven been enjoying such a moment for a long time..wad i know was that for the whole mnth...
wasn't feeling good nor enthu nor hyper tho...hahaas...

hehes...juz pretty i tot of updating eh..hahahas..

Saturday, July 29, 2006

hmm...nth much to post actually..hahas..
erm...on wed had a chi course...rather lame...
the first thing we went there is do a self intro from whom the librarians of other skools asked to...
then after reading one of the passage given...the want us to draw out what we think when there is onli 1 kang na xi (wadeva flower) left in the world..
so i drew a tree, without leaves,and branches shooting out everywhere wif onli a flower at one of the branches. too much free time..i go draw background..3 mountains..birds wif a X of the eyes=dead..hahas..then drew 3 suns...drew a stickman shooting 2 suns down..hahahas...
my frenz bside me drew a flower and put
then i nth to do..go draw one smiley face on the flower...then suay suay that guy was asked why he drew that. he said, the flower meant like a life to him, and gives to the closest relatives or frenz..then like a SMILEY face..zz..hahas..
then the course wasn't very fun aniwae...
hmm..then on thurs, went to play bball wif elton n ness and her frenz
hahas..half fun half bored...
bored=elton crap until ..zzz..hehes..his jokes and my jokes e same de...all so lame, but mine not as lame and as much as him..his style and my style totally the same...
hmm...bcoz he crap same as mine..i listen until too xi guan..stand there and diao..~~ and drop cold sweat...-.-"""""""
fun was playing of coz...
bball..long time nvr play also nvr run much..ppl run nia..^^
hmm..played wif ness and her one guy so specs de..looks nerdy but cute but not ugly..above average bah..hahas...the other one libing (or wadeva)..yu bing...erm..he arhs..hmm...actually in pri skool i c him buey song de..tsktsk...but then perhaps cannot judge the book by its cover bah..lmao...
hmm..1v1 wif ness..she say can ehem if win de..but then got add..onli on cher's day..zz..hahas..too badd bah...........
ness de frenz..yuan fang...reminds me of sum1..but it aws clear..its jus a rough image..hahas...quite cute bah...but too of them, yf and ness scold so loud eh..
louder than me leh!!..i so sad..nxt time they can be parade commander le...xD..
went to coffee shop wif elton and them...they not we also paiseh if we eat and they elton told me to ps them..then go eat..since they gg home anw..hahas..then we went bak to coffee shop.bought drinks..and ..
we didn't eat..bcoz we were full by drinking up so much water and sweats..^^
we went home and ehem..reached home tio scolded..nxt time cannot go until so late ler..hahas..tht night mwe nvr eat anithing...perhaps it was too full??hahas...

then on fridae...
got parade and muscial performance...
parade was fun..bcoz there were dance and drills
half serious half fun...thats wat i think parade shld b...
drills..nth to say..mayb i too tired from bball drills slacking..hahas..
then goes to cheering session.. danced the 'now u know how to dance, let me c u clap ur hands'
blah blah...then uh (uh, uoh, urghs) wadeva...ah ah ah ah. uh ah ah ah ah, uh ah ah ah fun..shake ur butts..hahas...then 1 last time, 1 last last time...1 last last last fun...
we also did the 'everybody dance now' fun...we went to middle of the parade square and did both of them...then ncc air looked at us i think..hahas..they were doing their drills fun lorh!...too bad no alaka tingi..hehes...
after that dimissal....

went to had our dinner...
for me..dinner= 2 cups of drinks...usually i dnt drink that much..hahas...and one wanton mee...
then went bak to skool...we were actually late..hahas...
we went up the bus and ehem..bus driver lost his way..hahahas...
went for a u-turn and we were almost late when we reached was like left 2 mins bfore the thing starts...we rushed in there and found our seats...moved here and there and then somehow i moved by to my original place..hahas...
the performance was kool...its abt 'a letter to god'...they used singing to sing their thoughts to god..and sings their thoughts to the people around them..hahas..they sang well..i think if they goes into the sg idol..they shld win..hahas...
went bak to skool at around 10+..then went home..abt 10+-11..ahhas..
pretty kool lah..this whole
seven random facts about me:
1) im bai chi^^
2) meme stupid
3) loves playing comp =P
4) hate study..=S
5) daydramer~

seven things that scare me:
1) attitude problem people
2) nabei people
3) character sucks de people
4) comp ka boom
5) dc when using
6) misunderstandingsss
7) ELTON KOH!! he want to rape me..sobx..tsktsk

seven songs at the moment:
(i dnt listen, but...)
1) yue liang dai biao wo de xin
2) yue ding
3) wo men de ai
4) peng you
(no more le^^...)

seven things i like:
1) mwe!!
2) my family!
3) my... erm...
4) my comp
5) maths!!
6) hp!!
7) everyone except those i c buey song..^^

seven bad habits:
1) lazy!!
2) absent-minded!
3) tripping people!^^
4) cold jokes..cold cold until very cold...until no one understands.
5) lame until zzz
6) always in a hurry
7) playing comp too long..-.-

wakakaka...ppl ask me do this quiz..hehes...
but i gd guy...i nvr chose ani victims..mauhahas~

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


hahs..had camp last weekend..fri-sun (21-23)
so bored de camp..
its not the activity, not the my grp..
my grp so dead sian..not active de..onli sabo ppl, then they themselves doesn't want to do...
haish, still prefer beatty...all so active..
hmm..first day..of camp...
it was on a fri, after skool...
so i asked my father to bring my bag for me..after bringing to skool...i dnt dare bring into the canteen sia..-.-..hesitate for a long while then brought...
at 2.30, we assembled. and went onto the bus. creep was making me feel uncomfortable..hahas..
after reaching the jetty, then to pulau ubin,
we walked a long way to the campsite...for the first 30-45mins, we went the wrong way..realli realli off the course..hahass..
then after another 30mins we finalyl reached the campsite...the campsite was huge..very..hahas..
we pitched our tents according to our given tentm8s.,.WOOT de hack...2 person dnt know how to build.
1 person least he cut the twine for us..the other one come kajiao more so act..
think he saint andrew big like tat...
after building at a few places, there were rocks in the ground, we moved to mani places and finally settled at the bottom area of the tents. i peg till my middle finger has 3 blisters. 2 burst. now one if recovering, the other still bleeding through a needle-like hole in the middle of the blister. the third blister became brown and part of the skin is tearing off...
after tat we had dinner..1 maggie shared by 4
eat 2-3 mouths??hahas.mwe frenz and i ate the same amount, then the other 2 ate alot..ffff sia..hahas....cursing after eating..
after tat we had ice-breakers which was stupid..the CI who is so shuai, but dnt know how to conduct well..sai sia...
then song session...hmm..pretty bored at first..but after everone participated, seems fun..
we got an 18clap rhythm, which follows by 18 taps on the ground..n oo ah ah ah ah ah ooo ah ah ahh ahh ahh ahh oo...something like tat..hahas..
then arnd 11-12..didn't know the time..we went to slp...lucky my grp first day no sentry the middle of the night, woke up at 1+. then slept, then woke again, then slept...continuously for a few times...then its morning..hahas..

had breakfast which was biscuits...
hmm....half a biscuit??!!, abit of milo..dilluted which was poured away....
then had games activity..which was so lame.i heard other ppl playing fun activity water bomb...but the water bomb is to transport them from one palce to another and not play water
then we clever..we split...
mwe and my frenz brandon..shared a noodle...half half each..opened asrdine and baked beans. pineapple too shared among the grp.
hmm...after that had expedetion and ATF (adventure training facilities)
we walked a long way to hock swee or wadeva village..then tio pumped for being slow in movement and no efficiency..
then when gg bak..we paired up a guy and a girl..unlucky ones will hav 2 boys..hahas...
hmm..but i was one the lucky a girl..but shorter than me...
we tied shoelaces together and walked back all the way to the campsite...during the journeys, we couldn't coordinate our was hard..bcoz i walk a bigger step than both of us muz control our steps..hahas...poor us..
then i go kajiao me frenz..i tried to trip them..since they were boy n boy..if they fall wldn't lose anithing ..hhas...
then they bao chou..walk bhind us..try to trip me and my partner..lucky nvr trip me.hahas..tripped my partner..she dam sad lorh...almost fall..but lucky her balance skill pro pro.hahas.
then i dnt dare put my hand by the side..if not sure touch sumwhere..-.-..but occasionally ehem...accidentally swing or trying to balance got touch abit..tsktsk...
after tat was atf...
one of the most sucky the who\le activity..has 3 parts..i onli did one part!! mazes, 1 cannon thingy..i did the easier mazes as we were brought there first and being the last we did practically nth..
then it was dinner..kool we cooked 2 packets of 2 baked beans, 2sardines,1 or 2 curry hor...but not so pro..
my frenz opened 4 packets, used most of the rations,..then cnanot moved..hahas..

then it was finally the best of the camp..CAMPFIRE! fun...sat bside my skool de gd to me de...very fun!..then we sang together and 2 idiots..shouting for all i care...n all i can hear are both our voices..bcoz we were sitting bside each other..couldn't realli hear others..hahas..
we sang alot of songs..2 songs which i like the most was a thousand legged worms, and friendship requires everyone to participate in the campfire..around the!!
then my grp performance..hmm..
stand in a circle.
alaka tingi, alaka ting, (put hands on head), then..
ALAKA TINGI TINGI TINGI x2 (shake butt while singing)
then shoulder
then got other grp's performance..banana dance etc..but the best was the 'fever' dance..
i forget was it is..but its koool...
then the campfire was closed..sad..hahas...
went to slp which was abt 10.30-11...lights off at 11..
haas.slept beside a shuai ge who has watch.muahas...then at 2.30..went for sentry duty.!!
ewww, bad sentry...took 20 mins to find my grpm8s..all slping like pig..hahas...
hmm..then early in the morning le.. got stretching exercise first bfore breakfast..
we did honet drill, crunches...
got both sides of our shirts dirty...during the honet drill, i kissed the ground...n when i got up, i got leaf in my fun..
then breakfast...yea...2 biscuits cum milo powder..hahas...
then area cleaninng..worst of the camp..hahas...cleaned the tents, clean toilets...but my hand got blisters and pain..cannot squeeze clothe properly, cannot hold properly..hahs..but nvm..dnt care..
then while cleaning..met my p1 frenz..P1 ! leh..hahas..she still rmb me, i still rmb her..hahas..
after a long time..finally time to go home..
walked to jetty.and sang songs while walking...bfore reaching the jetty, we sung our ksool song!!
keep lame.hahas..but so on the boat..and saw alot of my frenz tired of coz tired..but i still prefer looking at the sea..
then we went to...KFC..YEA~
my frenz was tinking of mac bak in the camp..but had to chagned his mind bcoz mac occupied..hahas..
went home..slept for 1 and a half hr..gee...then at nite..has conference wif nessa and elton...(highlight??!!)..hhas...
luffing like mad, bro joined in..crap wif elton..
then mum joined in..crap wif both of them also.. making the pig snoring sound..hahas...
but afterall..the camp was fun..but it wasn't due to my grp..DEAD GROUP..

Thursday, July 20, 2006

history heritage tour

ytd went for history heritage tour..but sadly ytd too mani hw muz cannot psot..
hmm.ytd field trip was rather fun..went to changi museum, and kranji memorial...
changi museum got mani mani pics pics, got chio bu (old lady, 66 yr old, fought for the country during world war 2 and survived), and shuai ge (mighty prisoner of wars went to build death railway)..hahas...
walk around then saw alot of history during japanese occupation. there was also a chapel which was build as to show wat it looks like during the olden days. one is out-door chapel. there was a donation box at where the priest stands. then mwe and my frwen drop a few coins inside..hehes..but looking at the so eeriee..
hmm..then went to bus le..bought nth..dnt wanna waste $$$..
in the bus, the air-con fan was high...but i love it...even though im shivering in there...
my partner dnt want air-con, so both blew on me..wee~..then my hand like ice..hotter than ice..hehes..then after a while, my hand is like numb...after a while, we reached the 'monster cannon', built by the prince of england i think...the diameter of the cannon is 15inch, and the length i dnt know, but very long..
after we got down from the first thing touch my frenz wif my cold hands...then my partner will like eww...and run away...then notti notti me go scare gals..=X...
then we went to the cannon missile or wadeva it is huge, 800kg leh..sumore almost as tall as me..='( so short..sobx..
Then we headed our way to kranji. WAH~, so mani tombs...
of coz again, i have cold hands!..
the tour guide introduced to us the tombs of a few heroes that died in the war. crosss staands for christian on their tomb stand..(???)...then i forgot why, we have had 1min of silent. bfore taht. i was playing my wif my cold hands. i touched one of my closer de she boom!~..she flew to the sky..jk...
she jumped. then i shaked her hands and her hand was like getting colder..hahas...then after shaking, my hand turned pro lorh...i got ru lai shen zhang. boom!~..wu zhi shan came out...jkjk...
my hand then became numb, no feelings at all...for abt 5mins, my hand still very cold..hahas...perhaps the weather also cold my hand also cold..gagaas...
then we went to a 16 yr old boy who died during the war while protecting our country. he was one of the youngest boy who protected our country. i forgot wats his name..but i know his tomb has PAPAYA on it...he shld b 60 yr old by now if he did not died. We got flower petals from the tourguide and was asked to give to the tomb of the 16 yr old boi. bcoz wannted more petals, i was the last guy..i took alot and bfore i reached the 16 yr old boi. i put around 3 petals on other tombs. each tomb i will say...'i like u, so i give u'..hehes...
then till the 16 yr old boi's tomb, i put erm 3 petals i of them was a leave if im not wrong...each flower i said a few things..
1st='wah, so pro'
2nd='i c u shiok, so i give u one more'
3rd='wah u so handsome.'
nvm...then we went to the wall panels which recorded all the soldiers that died for our countries. forgot how mani names were there le...but a few thousands...15k if im not wrong or 25k...
after introducing the heroes, we got 5mins free time. but of coz it was extended by our own accord to hor..
after visitng the wall panels, i went back to the 16 yr old boi's tomb. i look at the tomb and said..
'u so shuai, so pro...'
then one of my frenz, the one who flood my tagboard...isabella..asked me to say 'i love u' to the 16 yr old boi..
then i did..hehes..
i loved him...
as a hero of our country and as a uncle..hahas...
then we went to the tomb of one of the prime minister i think..and forgot wat the name of the hero's tombs..2 great heroes...mwe and my frenz playful, go salute them...then saw my frenz marching in the field..which the tombs were at...further away...
then mwe and my frenz went to joined them...marched to the end of the field, to return to the bus...then we returned back to skool...
then this morning..mwe hist teacher complain we so noisy and playful..opps..hehes..=/
we bad bad...

nvm...tml my atc camp le...sad sad le...
='(...will mwss de...hahas...
then sad sad, bag haven packed finish, not enuff pe shirts..^^...not enuff trackpants also..hahas.
torture camp bah..perhaps..heard so..hahas..
but returning on sun alot of hw muz b done bfore gg bah,..hahas..
if not monday tio scolding...

Monday, July 17, 2006

seems so much of..

haish, this few days very sian...
think of atc can koon liaos...summore this whole week ti xin diao dan. got test and works. got parade and got heritage tour. so sians...
but afterall, from the past few weeks, i begun to felt that my characters and attitudes seem so much of elton. our thinking is almost the same, dirty, serious,playful...
but of coz, he is tall im short..-.-..
gg out wif him like pretty fun, we can tok almost every sec, but of coz there were pauses.hehs..
unlike gg wif others, i have nth to tok, or rather i dnt dare to...if i talk, it will be cold jokes, then the atmosphere will change into a lonely atmosphere. gg out wif others, they also kept toking abt games, hearing them tok is like..argh..(aren't they bored)..but too bad, children loves games don't we.
whereas for elton, we will tok abt our life, seldom we tok abt games. we will say cold least he will giv me face n luff..wahahas...not bad le lah, rather than none...
cold jokes weren't enuff, so there were hot jokes too..bian tai jokes also..too bad, tats human's nature. but it aren't that bad till we ehem...
apart from that...
hmm, this few days i kept forgetting things. i forgot to collect stuffs which i promised to give teacher todae..i forgot to buy stuffs for my camp this fri-sun. i forgot some of my works in skool..argh..looks like im 'ageing'..STM soon..muahahas...
but anw..this week gonna b a long and sort of 'fun'...hope so..bah..muahhas..^^..

Monday, July 03, 2006

bowling? aasdfghhk;gds ^^

hehes..todae is syf hol for schools. me meet frenz frenz at 10pm, then go my dar dar (dar-yl) house to play play...then i late by 5mins bcoz of my couz..hahas..went to dar dar hse, saw his first he walk past like so shuai, but when he walk face us...ehem ehem...
then we stay there c dar play maple, then after he go toilet, me n elton play neopets!^^..childish hor^^but too bad lah,onli rmb tat game got 2 or more players game. we play until 11.45, then go span jon...jon, jom,spans..dnt know ani how spell.gees
late by 15mins leh.hahas, dar dar keep wanting to play neopets, hahas..then we reach bowling areana, played a few matches. then we also played stampede, then one of the person keep looking at us..(basically onli tat person there nia, bsides the counter), then sum of my frenz go hao lian diamond push-up, then the person scold them, hahas..bcoz diamond bad bad for wadeva, didn't heard. after 1 match, got 3 pei chun's gals came leh..wah, one wear pe, 2 wear uni..after they came for not a long time, me n elton keep staring at them,then we also act act walk to the fpood counter to buy drinks, then turn to look at them..hahas..the 2 unis gals is ehem ehem, but the pe one quite chio lah...hahas. then hor we from out seats we stare at how they bowl..actually not staring at how they bowl..but ehem ehem...bcoz under the light, the skirt too zhao geng...very obvious. like transparent like tat..tsk tsk..hehes..then before we go, they aasked elton, wat was our highest score. then he go there crap crap...zz..
then after we walked up the stairs to the lobby, suddenly we tot tat we can get the pe's phone no...elton was crapping away saying the gal not after a few mins of 'arguing', then me n my frenz jiayi, went dwn..hahas..then we actually wanted to just put ani no. n bluff my frenz, then i say dnt want i go to them n...
"excuse me, my frenz wants ur phone no., but he shy..."..then of coz they give...(i used my frenz's name, but actually ehem ehem...for more details plz tok to me...dnt want write..geees)
then we go prank call them, hhas...then i also msg them dar dar keep snatching my phone also, say craps..then we dnt let elton c, bcoz we want the girl to like elton mah..opps..hahas, then he angry angry...after tat went for lunch..
then carpark catching....
such a dangerous place, n they chose, but actually not so dangerous since its in the afternoon and not a public hols, cars weren't coming as fast as flowing water of coz, seldom seldom one or two cars. we hide bhind cars (ppl think we car theif)..hahas, then juz run arnd lvl 1 n 2 first..accidentally also went to 3..hahas..after that came one of elton's frenz, then we changed to 3,4,5, bcoz lesser cars so easier..hahas..
one of the game fun fun, i was the last person the needa catch, then shuai ge yang jing saw me...then i went to play arnd one of the pillars, he went to the left, i go right, then he go right i go left, but he shouted for since im gonna get caught juz pia out then he catch lorh..sad sad lah...
after tat, went to bbal..of coz i didn't play..i 'dnt like' bball.hhas..sorta dnt like n no energy anw..hahas, so c them paly awhile then go...then elton angry..bcoz i ps them, he want play, then i juz go home...but of coz he went home wif us together at the same its like very bad lorh..but its not gu yi gtg one lorh, its realli gtg one..if not reach very sad lorh..gees..
then on the bus, smsed the gal...hahas, the find her attitude like 'princess' like tat, very hiao and eww type...she sent one of the msg, she wrote 'kawaii hor'...dar dar c liaos...puke the gal too hiao liaos...n summore p6..hahas, too bad lorh, cnanot jio..tsktsk...(jk)

Sunday, July 02, 2006


hmm..ytd syf was fantastic..had a wonderful syf. but of coz under hot sun and it was rather boring. but putting aside the boredom and the soaring heat..i felt proud standing in the stadium..(even though i did nth=(( )hahas..the shouting from the spectators were loud! especially from schools' children..hehs..^^..summore bfore that saw alot of chio bu lorh..hahas, reali is chio de..
then before the march in...we were waiting in the circumference of the stadium. spectators were gg in to the stadium..and my contigent (one of the pervert one, but actually everyone in syf is pervert), they look up..and they saw smth which they shldn't..but i gd guy..i nvr look up..hehes..
the performance was rather poor actually, but from the top, of coz it seems rather 'nice'..hahas...
after performance, while waiting for our bus, i saw a chio bu lorh...far far away, then she sat down..the way she sat, fornt of st john leh..i so jealous..nvr infront of my contigent..hahas..if not ...hahas..
the after tat, went to skool...
play in the parade sq, since no one is in skool...we 'tried' to b commander...stand infront of the flag poles and shouted commands, and we challenge whose voice louder..we also did hentuckaki, and sang the 'count on ur count'..
it was fun in the dark nite, wif dim lights arnd the was a memorable nite.
we waited for the school's syf ppl to come bak..n when they came bak was arnd 9!, then my frenz was gg to take pics wif them..but then me n my frenz we ps very guilty...but no choice...they take until 10 tat we die of hunger starvation liaos..haha...
so we went to long john silver..n ate..then look for chio bu..but no chio bu..soi we went home..hahas..^^...