Thursday, September 28, 2006

joke of the day...

real sentence:jing zhu zhe chi, jing mo zhe hei
real meaning:when u r mixed wif one kind of frenz, after awhile u will b like them

jing zhu zhe chi

means.. whenever im near a girl, im always naked.. =)

stupid dar dar suan me.. =((

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

actually got alot of things to post de..
but i lazy..
too bad..
well exams coming le..
all the best!! =))

Monday, September 18, 2006

aww.. hehes
i study chi.. study study study..
then in the end, forget everything..
hahas.. so cute lorh...
now i recover from my sickness, now my bro tio le.. =S.. i spread de.. LOL...
then this few so broed de. can koon.. haish.

Friday, September 15, 2006

hahahas..todae is stupid.
woke up wif a slight fever.. eyes rather hot..
nvm.. go school.. nvr bring full u coz i tot i wnt b attending NP.. yaya...
then go school.. eh miracle..
use thinking cells then no hot le.. hahahs.. then smsed my father ask him bring my u..
haahs.. todae watched the ghost ship trailer.. cool leh.. trailer nia.. hahahas.. got girl ehem.. ehem..

then after school.. balh blah.. went into the councillor room
COUNCILLOR SUCKS!!! their room so untidy... since no one here pack for them abit.. (for god sake.. wth), then a few of them came in.. diao me.. help them pack still diao me..
then i before i made for the door.. i turned to the one close councillor and told him.. (wo kan bu xia councillor)
hahahas.. then i walk out happy happy liaos.. LOL..
then ate medi.. boom.. for that afternoon fever okie...
then parade.. drills and campcraft.. sian lah. training for PROMO.. hahahas.. then teach sec1s..

then before we went.. saw NCDCC.. hahas.. they tio pump.. we down there luffing..
then stupid jiahua.. think very fun.. go take his bottle.. then splash on my shirt.. purposely want me zhao geng.. 3rd time liaos..
nvm.. he drank finished his bottle.. then he use my COLD de water.. spalsh on me.. so cold.. BRR.. summore aim that part.. the top part de.. got mirror image de tat one...
then go into car.. papa scold me.. -.-.. hahahas..
and for goodness sake.. now got one competition to do, and one proj to do.. wat the hell.. think we god eh.. proj cum comp.. summroe EXAMS. wth..
blah.. BLAST!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

being sick juz sucks..
sucks sucks sucks!! =((..
eee.. fever.. sai lah.. slp liaos wake up fever worst..
ppl slp liaos wake up fever subside... wth..
so weak.. then drop a glass cover.. lucky nvr brreak.. onli a few parts of it break nia..
hahaas.. then now still can bah.. after shitting.. lols...

Friday, September 08, 2006

lalals.. bored bored.. so sian..
nth to do.. audi zz.. my eyes split sia..
this afternoon...
someone called me.. saying that.. eh.. the thingy hor.. cancelled liaos.. dots..
effort + time.. in sewage liaos!! hahahas.. sad and happy..
dnt know y.. hahahas...
then a few days ago.. did a poem..
since i have nth to post..
i shall post the poem here ya??

'Because Of You'
I will not make the same mistakes that you did
I will not let myself
Cause my heart to break the way you did,
You fell so hard
I've learned the hard way
To never let it get that far
Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afriad
I lose my way
And it's not long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because I know that;s weakness in your eyes
I'm forced to fake
A smile, a laugh everyday of my life
My heart can't possible break
When it wasn't even whole to start with
Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afriad
I watched you die
I heard you cry every night in your sleep
I was so young
You should have known better than to lean on me
You never thought of anyone else
You just saw your pain
And now I cry in the middle of the night
For the same damn thing
Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afriad
I don't know how to let anyone else in
Because of you
I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty
Because of you
I am afraid
Because of you
Because of you
so nice rite.. hahahas.. i dnt know who the poet.. nvr write.. yep.. got time slowly figure out its meaning.. its very very meaningful.. it will make you feel sad after reading it...

Thursday, September 07, 2006

tiodae early in the morning went for a meeting wif qing feng..
did the draft letter..
great i juz realised tat i forgot to include most of the things.. so in the afternoon 4+ went hme and edit..
after meeting qing feng is abt 12.. had lunch at mac.. continuously.. dam.. this whole week have been eating mac for lunch or brerakfast or dinner...
went to jiahua hse.. do the proposal thingy..
wadeva.. all slack like siao.. i wasn't suppose to be doing.. and im actually doing..
then go there sian diao half way.. its not my job and im actually doing for them..
yaya.. wadeva... lalals..
then do.. justin did 3/4 of the job.. i did 1/5 of it.. wat the others do.. WATCH YOU TUBE!!.. ya?.. wadeva..
du lan..
then dinner. .waste so much $$$..
my bro and i also du lan..
but quite nice lah. hahas..
yaya.. todae a du lan's day..

Monday, September 04, 2006


hahas.. hmm.
todae did practically nth..
onli read story book.. so nice.!.
i rarely read books unless introed.. hahas..
then now..
a bai chi thingy spreading arnd.
steve irwin death?
ppl put turtle..

If you haven't heard already, Cheong Wei Siang(the Shuai Ge) is still living today on the 4th of September. As a sign of respect for the Shuai Ge, plz place a smile at the Start of your MSN name, and forward this message on to other

hahas.. everybody put kays.. =))

Sunday, September 03, 2006

hehes... rather fun... or rather.. not bad lah..hahas..
hahas..3oclock.. elton call me go watch superstar audition.. rite... meet at 3,30 or 3.45..
i pia go bathe, pia to bus stop..
then he call me..
'eh weisiang, i still at home.. take ur time...'
WTF... hahas.. nvm lorh... board the bus.. got air con.. rite. but no idea.. i still sweating like hell..
great.. reach there at abt 3.33.. hahas.. saw ppl doing the flag day stuffs.. 3 bois came up to me..
'excuse me.. can u donate..'
another guy, 'wah.. like tat also can...' (his partner)
then i gave a 50cent coin.. got the sticker..
they walked away saying.. 'wah lao.. like tat also can..'
waited elton till 4..
great timing rite.. so puncture!!..
hahas.. then go watch the superstar audition.. wah lan eh,, crowded like sht.. i so short summore.. onli can c the head.. but then ppl come n go.. block my VIEW!! =.=!!
then.. summroe we go there.. those xiao yuan superstar.. singing.. its towards the end lorh!! sai sia.. go there too late.. hahas.. too bad.. (teresa so white.. )
eww.. yaya.. hahas.... then boom.. end liaos..hahas..
then the great great elton.. say he want to give me a surprise.. bring me to interchange.. then got onto bus 31.. tot he want to bring me to ness hse de.. but then smth so odd.. she got flag day.. summore she seldom let bois go her hse.. so odd.. then suddenly he tell me get off the bus.. duh.. near saint andrew there.. then i tot.. cannot b.. too far.. then walk walk walk..
duh.. YUNING HSE.. wah.. summore zi ji song shang men de.. nvr ask..
then go her hse.. great.. last time pri school tat time.. always past this palce.. then go up to the balcony and look down.. so odd de feeling. .hahas...
her didi at home. GARY.. hahas.. so cute.. then go her room.. so mani toys.. =.=..
ya.. then we go living room.. play cards..
bfore tat.. i show them 'magic'.. hahas..
they tio stunned.. tot i got super mental power and eye power.. ..hahas.. can c thru the cards..
then ltr after a long long long while.. miss yuning found out.. so clever lorh.. ELTON there still gong gong.. hahas.. so bai chi..
then we played dai di..
yaya.. then i won. .hehes.. won half of the games.. half of the games yuning won.. n elton won a pathetic 3 games onli..hehes..lallas.. =)..
hee.. then hor when i giving out the cards.. i always win de leh.. lols.. like got xie things.. hahas..
then palky play play.. play until 6.30. dots.. stopped liaos.. sian sian... hahas.. then elton keep squeezing me during the games..
then now got red patch on my hands my body.. my neh.. he sai lah.. squeeze my neh.. pain leh.. not juz once.. then now got abit blue black.. dots..
then after tat.. while waiting for yuning's mummy and didi..
we went into her room.. played wif her soft toys..
then the great GREAT GREAT GREAT Elton KOH KENG LONG.. throw the teddy bear into my face.. ouch.. pain pain.. sobs.!!. then eyes turned red.. then got a few drops of tears rolled down..
actually i not crying.. but its the pain that made the tears rolled down. xD..
hehes.. the abt 7+ her mummy reach her void deck. we go dwn wif her.. and her papa and her small didi.. and her sec 2 didi. .waiting below also. .hahas..
HER SEC 2 DIDI IS SAME AGE AS ME LEH.. and i dnt know..!!.. SUMMORE IN ATC!!.. wtf..
hahas.. then i rmbered after a while..
then her daddy drove me and elton to potong pasir's coffee shop to eat.. below ps hse. .hahas.
then me n elton so pai seh.. *blush blush*..
then her mummy order the food.. order so much food... wah..
then they nvr eat de.. coz her mummy tot we got eat.. so she order for us.. then its like so paiseh lorh..
then while eating.. her mummy want me to call her jiejie.. tats wat she told elton last time.. great.. scoop a chicken for 'jiejie' and 'kor kor' (father). hahas,.. then me and elton ate the chicken and rice quietly.. but elton tat type hou lian pi.. hahas. go kajiao.. yeayea..
then we want pay jiejie de.. but she dnt want.. make us even malu..
then we went hme.. paiseh..

Saturday, September 02, 2006

sat sian.. nth to do..hahas...
rite... how come everyone now like qian li zhi wai??
for me i know like fei yu qing part nia.. opps.. no offence..hehes...
but then.. since got qian li zhi wai.. sure got wan li zhi wai de rite..hahas.. so erm...
y not i sing wan li zhi wai..
then hor.. must got alot of ppl support leh..=X
jkjk.. hahas... bleahs...
then hor.. my bro go listen to the SHE song.. dnt know wat song de...
then at the end got..

one day, a little girl wants to find her future
so she went to the mountain top, and asked the sky
"where's my future"
just then, a little star replied,
"sweetie, ur future is in ur hands"
YES, our future is in our hands...

hehes.. since that our future in our hands.. therefore if we have a goal.. we must go for it..
we shld not grab it tightly in our palms.. it will not just dissolve.. but will also nvr be found
so, let us works towards our future !. ~
i will not