Saturday, October 20, 2007


TO: All PSLs reading this

PSL-- Peer Support Leaders

what is the role of psl? its pretty obvious tat u're a peer of the class u gg to take, and to support their emotions, school life, and of coz solve their problems. IF you can't even have that kind of mind-set in you, how do u expect that you can even support those innocence sec 1s
Your heart, your mind, is magnificent. sometimes u cannot even control your emotions, but u can control the emotions gg into ur mind and heart. which means, do open ur heart, and allow good things to flow in, and nvr flow out, but allow bad things to flow in AND flow OUT.

We as humans, muz being open-hearted. We must let go of our hatreds, our anger, to achieve a happy life. Don't you tink they are just tons of weights uppon ur shoulder, they juz makes you feel gloomy and affects your everyday actions,thinkings,mindset, and esp those arnd u! why not, let those mishaps, saddening stuffs, hatreds leave, and look upon the other side of life, and think how you shld make use of it. ya?

Actually, lfie sucks, but it depends on how u c i. for me, life sucks of coz, but i do c in an optimistic way. ohwell, im actually contradicting wif myself...-.-..i c everything as a thing for me to feel upon. be it sad or happy. If you dnt get such a 'feeling' experience, hten u will nvr learn from it, and nvr improve ur own emotions, and how to control ur emotions.although, i myself is very impulsive, but before i even shout or do smth, i always think through my mind, why and what n how does this situation actually angered me. But there's one thing for sure, tat im easily influence by others talking. If someone is to say smth bad about another person, it will definitely give me a bad impression on him/her, only until i get to know him/her. This obviously causes misunderstandings too.

Anw, comnig to the PSL course on 11 & 12 oct. I did did a v saddening thing, bcoz i actually let my fury overtook me w/o actually knowing the truth. yes, im v sorry abt that. But i actually dnt understand myself tho.. how? v simple. during the lunch, i sat wif my grp, and i didn't saw ken. i know smth was wrong. i ate, and after 15mins, he came and sat beside me. i asked, "where have you been?"
he replied,"hall lorh.."
and i didn't asked animore questions, i smiled and carried on eating my lunch. i seriously, and honestly doesn't know that he had skipped his lunch, i tot he went to sit wif hsi friends and i closed one eye. then i tot it was okay. Until, i gather wif my PSTs, then they told me that a few ppl didn't attend lunch. they asked me to ASK. as u know, skipping lunch is not an offence, but not attending is a serious one. obviously, the ASK became a DEMAND. and demand=shout of coz, can't help it. and actually before that, i said.."aiyah, nvm one lah", tat sentence was done before they asked me to ASK. which means, some misunderstandings took place. so of coz, frankly, i hestitated from shouting, bcoz im not the one who spot the 'unattending' psls, and the 'missing' of psls as well. they asked me to ASK bcoz they said i got a loud voice. no choice i guess, then i ask lorh.. so therefore, this situation has actually got NOTHING to do wif me, until they asked me to ASK.. i do hope this does resolve the misunderstanding between we PSTs and PSLs who were scolded. and for fuck sake, i knew nth of it actually. =x.

yea.. kinda bullshit post tho.. realli lah, bullshit is actually quite gd tho. bullshit turn into cowshit then can recycle and go under treatment become newater! woots

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