Monday, November 27, 2006

liyi dnt ask me update lah.. hahas, i update whenever i want. .hehehes..
i also nth to update lorh.. duh.. hahahas..
nvm.. sat went out wif couz, bro.. n my mum...hahahas. my mum leh.. young kids go out wif mummy.. HAHAs...
nvm.. quite funny actually.. hehes.. then my couz 20yr old tok to my mum lorh.. then me n my bro walk tgt.. hahahas.
take mrt, wanted to watch movie de.. then go ps there.. full le.. if not left front sits.. then go dnt know where try, also full.. blah. then the nxt movie 11+ liaos.. we want go home de lorh.. hahahas.. so cannot..
then walk arnd... then decided to play pool... LOL
went to miridian? wadeva spelling error..
the uncle there know my bro.. so smuggle me in.. hehehes.. =)).. then uncle tok to my mum abt my bro.. lols.. funny lorh..
then we play.. bro teach me how to play.. ahhahas.. then my couz there also noob noob, learn also...
then my mum pro lorh.. also learn leh.. but nvr use the correct style nia.. juz played for fun.. HAHAs..
i team wif my bro, my mum wif my couz... then we play 2v2 lorh..
i no need play de lorh.. my bro hit hit hit half of it go in le.. then he let me paly tyhe rest of the game..
but then he act until so pro, those tough tough one he also cannot lorh.. still act alot.. =x.. opps.. xD..
then got a few 'quite hard' de ball, then ask me shoot.. then i tyco tyco hit.. hit the ball, and bounce on the side n hit another ball, but nvr score of coz.. hehes.. then he dnt beleive.. try once more.. then again almost leh.. i think is i chao tyco..
then after tat game, the nxt game i miss every shot lols!!.. pro anot.. miss almost every ez ez de..
wadeva.. then blah.. 1hr le.. hahahs.. 9+ abt 10 liaos..
then we go chomp chomp makan.. hehes
bought satay, chao guo tiao, hokkien mee.. hahahas. and one big cup of sugar cane..
i ate half of everything leh.. =x.. heehes.. summore all small de..
eat half nvm lorh... i still not full.. i go buy 4 chicken wings.. keke..
i eat 1 and 1/3, then my bro n mum also... juz nice.. =x

then todae got 'class gathering' wors. .hahahas..
waited for isa 1hr.. dots eh.. nvm.........
walk walk.. go woodlands watch movie.. happy feet.. pathetic.. go until woodland.. crazy..
watch lorh...
the show arhs.. quite funny lah.. cute lah e penguins..
but hor....
its juz a waste of money.. tsktsk...
then after tat go eat.. wadeva... dar dar n jiayi buy tom yam wadeva soup..
then i buy chicken rice.. jaseline bought ban mian, or wadeva mian.. then she want chicken rice, then exchange lorh..
i dnt wanna eat tat mian de.. but she want chicken rice.. so let her eat lorh...
eat eat eat.. then our boys de tradition--to play e food after eating...dar dar n jiayi mixed all the thing inside.. wif liyan's bowl of noodle.. hahahas.. then dnt know wat they add.. chilli, lime,wad sauce..alot of sht inside.. hehes, then i go eat.. actually got nice leh.. dnt know why they dnt let me eat.. kaos lorh...
then go arcade.. balh balh.. boring.. c liyi n jaseline outisde, jiayi want to use my hp call.. so let him call.. go outside..
after he call liaos he go bak in, then i go stand beisde them lorh.. inside also so boring.. wadeva..
brandon called me.. kaos lah.. he tok as if he was at j8 liaos... so i asked them whether want to j8 eat dinner mah.. booo.. they agreed..
dar dar n junyong need go bak...
then abt 4+ le.. wadeva.. then gogogo.. go j8.. then reach bishan jiayi ps me, go home also. .grrr...
then we go j8 walk walk.. then brandon n jiahua at brandon's hse lorh.. wtf.. then i bluff the gals they comingl iaos.. then i rush the both of them... kaos lah.. play me..
they ask me i told them a lie eh.. shh.. i know they will b reading.. but who cares... wadeva..
(they also not my gfs.. wakakakas)
then finally aft 40mins they came.. so long.. the gals also bored liaos..
then liyi n isa want go pierce ear.. wah.. wadeva.. i also nvr c before how they pierce de.. so i curious.. hehes.. follow them go c c look look.. oo
then liyi say hot.. jiahua told me (aiyah, pain jiu say pain lah..)
then near the shop got one sell balloon de, those kind of shape de, wif pictures.. wadeva was tat.. then i curious go touch touch n c c... then the stall holder come.. ask me want buy mah.. i was touching the "first love at sight" de balloon, then she asked me want buy the "yi jian zhong qing" de balloon mah.. then i malu.. then she add on, those 2 gals (liyan and isa), buy for them lah, shui bian TIAO yi ge.. wah.. hahahas.. so pro...
then i say..
"hai shi bu yao lah. bu shi he wo..."
hhahas.. (jkjk)
then i also malu liaos.. then jiahua come kajiao me.. go suan me.. hehehes.. i forget wth he do, i also forget wat i do lols.. but i know aft that liyi n jaseline came out from the toilet.. hahahas...
then we go mac eat eat.. hehes.. saw yang jing working there leh.. hahas.. he wear the staff clothes until so shuai lorh!!.. shuai ge~..
then we go kajiao him, wave at the counter there.. hahas. then all the workers look at us, the customers also.. lols.. then he also malu..
then when we eating, he smuggled out n told us he dead meat le.. his manager saw.. HAHAs.. he sad lorh...
then after tat elton come.. hhehes.. crapz so much.. siao one.. bth him.. hahahas..
then say wat 'nipple pad lah', bra stripe lah.. booo.. hahahas..
bian tai lah.. hahas..
then walk abit, then crowd at one area to tok..
sobs.. tok happi, but dnt know where to go sad..
then half want go there, then the other want go here.. hahas.. sad lorh.. elton go bak eat eat.. then finally liyi go hme.. then liyan isa n jaseline went to the interchange..
waited for liyan's bus then we go.. isa actually want go bak tpy interchange, tot here got bus..then follow us until ltr she go bak.. then tat pathetic jaseline siao one.. say 'dnt wanna walk bak the road "we walk before" '.. hahahs..bullsht.. then walk to the nxt bus stop..
(actually before that i act act bro call me, ask me meet him at the food junction.. then i c bra also go take mrt.. then actually want go ehem.. then c him go also,then i forget it lols.. then went to catch up wif them)
then while waiting for bus 410, we missed leh.. so pro uh.. dnt know whether tat one itraining bus anot, but no ppl de.. then finally waited le lorh.. then go hme.. hehehes..
rather sian ... bcoz dnt know where to go!!. WAKAKAKS..

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