Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Instructions: Name 20 people you can think of at the top of your head. Dont read the questions before you write and tag 5 people to do the survey LAME!!

1. Wei Siang
2. meixuan
3. Vanessa
4. Otto
5. Daryl
6. Elton
7. Jia Hua
8. Yang Jing
9. Justin
10. Brandon
11. Hafiz
12. Nasrul
13. Vinoth
14. Robin
15. Cha Cha (Jia Nan)
16. Zong Ying
17. Putri
18. Zheng Bao
19. Sabirah
20. Qing Feng

1. How did you meet #14?-during pri 1, having the chinese lesson together

2. What would you do if you had never met #1?-erm..i can't possibly not meet myself...diaos.

3. What would you do if #20 and #9 dated?-wow..what a coincidence..i think they r ... liaos..hahas..so i will wish them gd luck of coz...=)

4. Would #6 & #17 make a good couple?-mayb yes, mayb no..but most likely mayb ..hehes..no offence=/

5. Describe #3.-(diaos..how come so zun..)she arhs..erm..gd,kind-hearted,caring,hardworking,crapper,courageous,chio...^^..

6. Do you think #8 is attractive?-He is very attractive, he's macho n shuai..=)i like..tsk tsk

7. Tell me something about #7-talkative,joker,caring,n..jian yi ge ai yi ge..(no offence..tsk tsk..)

8. Do you know anything about #12 family?-nope...very sori=(

9. What is #8 favourite?-MAPLE!!(ms freakos.)

10. What would you do if #11 confesses that he/she likes you?-i will happy till i will jump my head off..=) (i dnt wanna b gay...=((( )

11. What language does #15 speak?-He speaks mostly chinese, but eng in skool of coz^^

12. Who is #9 going out with?-erm..me??..tsktsk...actually not very sure..but mayb...#20..(no offence)

13. How old is #16 now?-13+, ppl b'day haven over..hahas.

14. When was the last time you talked to #13?-a few weeks ago.

15. Who is #2 favourite singer?-erm..i dnt know..ps=((..hahas..

16. Would you date #4?-I dnt mind..but dnt wanna b gay..hahas..

17. Would you date #7?-I dnt mind too..but dnt wanna b gay..

18. Is #15 single? -i think he shld b single, if he's not gonna kill him for not telling me..=/

19. What is #10 last name?-Shin (brandon chan yong shin)

20. Would you ever consider being in a relationship with #19?-i dnt mind..relationship as in gd frenz..but not in tat type..hahas..^^...but if it were to b tat type..i wnt..=/.

21. What schools did #3 go to?-Bendemeer Sec Skool

22. Where does #6 live?-Whampoa [i dnt know spelling=(( ]

23. What is your favourite thing about #5?-He's a great joke=)

24. What do you think of #18?-hahas..qutie gd bah..hardworking but abit childish..tsk tsk

25. What do #4 & #19 have in common?-they r both in ug grps,they r loyal to their cca^^

26. What special qualities does #17 hold in your life?-she holds as an impt frenz to look for during circumstances where i need help^^..

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