Friday, January 04, 2008

hahas.. yea.. bullshit.. isay i will cont. but in the end still.. yawnzzxxsszxsx!!

yep, so i shall not cont wif my previous post.. lols!..
sec 1 orientation camp juz ended. woots!
seriously.. it sucks to the extend whereby its not the organizers' fault, but the campers fault okay... even tho its more on the fun side.. tsk =x
yea.. fun? how fun.. very fun..
first day of all the necessary.. and.. i gave off my first bad impression to the sec 1s.. V!
yea. then it was tour around the sch.. actually.. at first i hate 1t1 n 1t2.. coz they were making so much noise back then.. so i kinda got fedup at first.. but during the tour.. i saw yangjing toking to them nicely.. like 'bribing' them. so i tot i shld b like him.. and 'bribe' their hearts.. hahas. and it works.!its gd to b kind afterall....(esp after giving ur first bad impression)
yep. hahas..then i tok to 1t1 n 1t2 guys.. yea.. they were funnny.. n childish.. sec1s, can't help it rite? but at least they can get the conversation gg! as usual.. wat can boys like me tok abt.. of coz y y things... yep.. then he say want pull down my pants.. wth.. sicko.. summore the touch each other butts.. omg.. in public summore.. kaos..lucky they cannot touch mine.. my dodging skill max level alreadi.. lols!
thenwent bak to hal.. they wanted to know my name.. so i told them to call me 'SHUAI GE'!!!!!!!!
yea!!!!! and they did!!!!!! omg.. kawaii.. lols.. then toopid yangjing go tell them.. hahas.. yea.. after tat.. i go take the mike, and told the sec 1 corhorde, im the shuai ge!.. yea!.
can;t help it.. too boring.. justin dnt wanna tok to me =(.. bcoz he dnt want to get embarassed! hahas
and btw.. tats how my the 'shuai ge' trademark of me for this yr sec 1s came abt. hehes
after tat was lunch.. si bei jia lat.. tok n tok n tok.. non-stop one.. muz shout shout then they lsiten.. then c me fierce fierce they scared.. then say i fierce.. sia lah.. dey dnt want keep quiet one mah.. blame me.. blame jiu blame lorh.. im juz doing my job.. i can't help it when my job is under the discipline com. expect me to neglect my job meh.. lols.. im not tat irresponsible lorh. but who cares.. everyone hates me now.. yea!! V!
then games.. boring.. bored until i sprain y thumb.. sprain nvm okay.. ppl dnt believe i sprain, still go take my thumb spin a few round then luff at me.. then turn away wors.. then i go find medic nasrul, he also dnt believe me. wth. y? coz i luff n cry..lols.. yea.. then nasrul erm.. taped my thumb? sure.. he wanted bandage, but i tot nah, it's gonna b 'minor'.. ya..after tat the pain was unbbearable, then i go find gladys, she help me bandage. not bad lah.. but hor after tat mr ry re-bandage for me again.. tsk =x. but rite.. thanks alot lah.. gladys bandaged for me like abt 4-5times? yea.. thanks..
okay.after tat dinner night walk, then slp? slp lorh.. okay.. we ate titbits, and slept on mattress.. thsoe sit-up mattress.. found at the back of the hall. yep.. it was abt 12+.. then i was slpnig beside keng hock.. so i told him that we take turn to look-out for the hall movements.. so i did the first shfit.. 1-2am.. okay.. i do do do, i was closing my eyes on the chair.. facing the hall.. dar came beside me and ask me go bak slp, hahas.. but ty anw.. nvm.. so i cont.. then hor.. the most surprise thing is.. i shldn't say it.. but.. its cool.. i slept on the chair, my head nodding downwards n downwards, until a point of time when i woke up, i found a hole in my mouth.. yea!.. cool~.. it was abt 1.45? yea.. then i walk around c c look look..until 2.30.. i didn;t wake keng hock up bcoz i wanted him toslp.. yea.. so i take away the chairs, and i slept on the stage floor.. y?.. because.. mr justin tan took my place on the mattress by opening up his arms n legs to takeover my place.. lols.
so i slept from 2.30-3.45 woke up, slp till 4.20..then i went down to join nasrul, jiayi they all below.. they didn't slp at all for the whole nite! hehes.. too bad for being a main com members.. yep..
then i also half aslp.. dnt know wat they toking.., kinda funny yet slpy. hahas.
then morning.. do cip.. stupid shit.. starts at 9.45, finished at 10.30.. campers went bak school.. but the camp com. members need to take care of the collected stuffs.. yea.. sure.. we waited for a fucking 1 n a half hour for the truck to come.. waste lotsa energy on moving the stuffs .. tired.. then go bak.. at abt 1.40? lols.. do some debrief.. and the debrief.. gawsh.. imba kay.. ppl were asked to write comments abt the camp what they like n dislike..
okay lah. no offence.. but hor..
the fucking spell my name wrongly lorh.. ffs.. my name is Wei Siang!!! not Wei Xiang or Wei Xing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lols.. say i fierce or strict or hate me i dnt mind one lorh. but hor my name also spell wrongly leh.. i want cry.. almsot everyone kay.. haish.. or maybe they are not referring to me.. hehes.. kk.. group photo.. yangjing n justin disappear bcoz of some meeting,shld have just pulled them bak.. haish =(
okay.. the camp ended..
yea.. this yr's psl are alot.. 58 or ++?.. omg lorh.. last yr onli 40+?. or 30+.. eww.. so bias.. then the camp com so big also.. lols.. okay..
the psl.. im glad tat all thsoe in my group during psl course last yr became a psl.. yea.. im v glad everyone of them became one.. except one person.. yep.. but anw.. congrats on being n psl, and ty for ur hardwork in this camp.. gd job done psls.. =)..

[do i looks like im toking to myself? i hope not...]
yea. okay.. this camp was.. v....
not so fun but not so bad.. its not to the bad side, neither is it to the gd side.. but the most impt thing.. everyone have fun!!.. yea

btw.. i want to comment on smth, the sec 1s this yr are too well-pampered by their parents! gawsh
and tat makes we, sec4s, to clean up the mess for them like their... 'dogs'...esp gladys. gg toilets after toilets to ensure they are clean, and she have to clean it up herself when she could juz asked the sec1s to do it.. haish.. nowadays kids are too pampered, n parents are too 'kind'..